Supreme Court Justices The death of Antonin Scalia opens up a spot for the 9th Justice, but who will nominate the new Justice
Supreme Court Justice Nominees The Supreme Court has 9 justices who each serve for Life. The justices are nominated by the President, but must be approved by the Senate. The process can be grueling, but Presidents will always select a Justice who aligns with their own beliefs.
Antonin Scalia’s opinions Scalia was a conservative member of the Court. He frequently favored the Republican views of hot button issues including Pro-Choice, Big Business, little government, and harsh rules against terrorists.
Politician who has lost power because their term is up Scalia’s Death Now that Scalia has died, the President should be able to nominate a new Supreme Court Justice. However, President Obama is on his way out of office, and has a completely different political outlook than Antonin Scalia. A replacement selected by Obama will result in a Justice that is much more liberal and moderate. Democrat- Obama Republican- Scalia Lame Duck- Politician who has lost power because their term is up
Political Conundrum The Republicans in Congress have promised to ignore any Supreme Court Nominations by President Obama, claiming the next president should have the right to nominate the next justice. However, as democrats point out, that is nearly a year away.
Senate Majority Leader: Mitch McConnell “The president can nominate whoever he wants, but the Senate is not going to act,” Mr. Rubio told “Fox News Sunday.”
Broken Politics Is it okay for the Senate to ignore President Obama’s Justice Nomination? Why or Why not? Why are the Republican Senators refusing to vote on any nominee from Obama? Why does it matter who nominates a new Supreme Court Justice?
Broken Politics Is it okay for the Senate to ignore President Obama’s Justice Nomination? Why or Why not? Why are the Republican Senators refusing to vote on any nominee from Obama? Why does it matter who nominates a new Supreme Court Justice?
Broken Politics Is it okay for the Senate to ignore President Obama’s Justice Nomination? Why or Why not? Why are the Republican Senators refusing to vote on any nominee from Obama? Why does it matter who nominates a new Supreme Court Justice?
Broken Politics Is it okay for the Senate to ignore President Obama’s Justice Nomination? Why or Why not? Why are the Republican Senators refusing to vote on any nominee from Obama? Why does it matter who nominates a new Supreme Court Justice?