Thomas Aquinas (Tommaso d’Aquino) (Italian, 1225-1274) Aquinas: life & times Thomas Aquinas (Tommaso d’Aquino) (Italian, 1225-1274) Born near Aquino to local gentry At age of 5 sent to the Abbey of Monte Cassino University of Naples Introduced to the writings of Aristotle Aquinas: life ~ slide 1
Aquinas: life & times This was a time when the writings of the ancient Greeks were beginning to become available to the Latin, Christian West With the rise of Islam (7th century), these writings had, for the most part, been inaccessible to the West. Aquinas: life ~ slide 2
Joined the Dominican order in c.1242 Aquinas: life & times Joined the Dominican order in c.1242 Went to the University of Paris; studied under Albert the Great 1256, received license to teach at Paris Wrote two Summa Died on way to the Second Council of Lyons Aquinas: life ~ slide 3
Turned medieval philosophy from Plato to Aristotle Aquinas: life & times Heritage Turned medieval philosophy from Plato to Aristotle Because the Council of Trent (1545-1563) cited Aquinas as one of the leading theologian-philosophers of the Roman Church, his influence has been immense. Aquinas: life ~ slide 4
Aquinas: life Aquinas: life & times This prominence of Aquinas & Aristotle in high & late Medieval Christian philosophy & theology played a role in the Galileo affair (1633). Aquinas: life ~ slide 5