Birthplace of Rivers National Monument Project
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments -Preserve federal lands which contain unique ecological, historical, cultural or scientific values -May be designated by an act of Congress or by presidential proclamation -Congress has declared 40 National Monuments -All but three presidents since 1906, Democrats and Republicans alike, have designated National Monuments. Between 1906 and 2012, presidents have designated a total of 128 National Monuments. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments -Monuments are managed by various agencies: -US Forest Service -National Park Service -Bureau of Land Management -US Fish and Wildlife Service A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments Giant Sequoia NM, California US Forest Service A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments Devil’s Tower NM, Wyoming National Park Service A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments Carizo Plain NM, California Bureau of Land Management A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments Hanford Reach NM, Washington Fish and Wildlife Service A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments America’s Great Outdoors -AGO Report drafted after listening sessions and collecting public comments from various user groups, managing agencies, local governments and individuals. -Report focused on how the administration should treat public lands and resources, especially connecting Americans with their treasured public lands. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments AGO Key Findings -Provide job opportunities through protecting and restoring public lands -Enhance recreational opportunities -Raise awareness of the value of the great outdoors -Engage young people in conservation -Strengthen LWCF -Protect and renew rivers and other waters -Conserve and restore Parks, Forests, Refuges and other federal lands and waters A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments 8. Conserve and Restore our National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, Forests, and other Federal Lands and Waters What was heard: -Public lands are important for recreation, water quality and sustainable local economies. -Public lands and natural features are threatened, and many of these threats require proactive management. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments 8. Conserve and Restore our National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, Forests, and other Federal Lands and Waters Goal A: Conserve, restore, and manage federal lands and waters to ensure access and enjoyment for future generations while contributing to the protection of a larger natural and cultural landscape. Goal B: Advance national, regional, and community-supported efforts to preserve and enhance unique landscapes, natural areas, historic sites, and cultural areas while ensuring openness and transparency in any land designations. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments Goal B: Advance national, regional, and community-supported efforts to preserve and enhance unique landscapes, natural areas, historic sites, and cultural areas while ensuring openness and transparency in any land designations. Recommendation 8.4: Engage the public to identify and recommend potential sites on existing federal lands for protection under the 1906 Antiquities Act. Recommendation 8.5: Identify potential areas for congressional designation that have strong local support. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard National Monuments Why are these recommendations significant? -The American people continue to mount broadly-backed, bipartisan initiatives to protect special areas on public land. -In the current congressional session, House majority leaders have not allowed for the advancement of bi-partisan, broadly-supported conservation legislation. -Current monument campaigns and opportunities are NOT presidential initiatives. Instead, they are generally “dual-track”, grassroots proposals, which still could be legislated by Congress. -The recommendations simply present an opportunity to preserve public lands through a similar process, in the case of a gridlocked Congress. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument Tea Creek A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument Key feedback from decision makers -Decision makers have expressed initial interest in the Birthplace of Rivers project -Several factors are consistent with recommendations outlined in AGO -opportunities to enhance recreation -opportunities to protect and restore forests and streams -opportunities to create sustainable economic growth in local communities Williams River A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument The process moving forward -Whether a Monument is designated by Congress or by Presidential proclamation, a collaborative process is critical. -Not “Clinton style” designation. Kens Creek A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument -A continuation of existing conservation efforts by WVWC and others -Would preserve a significant complex of important lands surrounding the existing Cranberry Wilderness -Would provide enhanced protections, while allowing for the promotion of science-based ecological restoration, as well as fish and wildlife management A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument -Goals of WVWC and its partner organizations include protection of broader landscapes through a mix of designations, which compliment existing Wilderness designation -Additional Wilderness designation is not a goal of the National Monument project -Flexibility in management allows for greater collaboration and promotion of various uses and management activities potentially incompatible with Wilderness designation: -mountain biking -stream liming -active restoration and wildlife management activities A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument *final proposed boundaries and management parameters to be determined through a collaborative process. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument -No private lands affected -Generally, areas are managed under USFS prescriptions which promote backcountry recreation (6.2) or spruce restoration (4.1) -Current management prescriptions outside Wilderness are temporary, subject to many administrative changes A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument The landscape is obviously treasured by West Virginians and our visitors, but does it meet National Monument criteria? A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument -The area undoubtedly contains features of unique ecological and scientific importance. -These areas are increasingly threatened. Cranberry Glades A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument -The potential monument undoubtedly contains areas of historical significance. -Various sites of historic and archeological significance. -Legacy of the Monongahela NF and its establishment to protect watersheds. Williams River, early 1900s A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument -The landscape is culturally significant -Local literary and musical contributions are tied directly to the landscape -A tribute to regional land-use traditions, including hunting and fishing Last Forest mural, Marlinton A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument Management vision: What would the Monument be? -The area is a special landscape, which deserves protection. However, management issues require a certain flexibility, which monument designation can provide. -Final details would be determined in a management plan for the area, but a collaborative proposal can help set important parameters before potential designation takes place. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument Management vision: What would the Monument be? -The Monument would protect against certain activities: -commercial logging -road-construction, unless necessary for public safety or to further the protective and restorative goals of the Monument -leasing and development of federally-owned minerals -The Monument may prioritize activities such as restoration of native habitat for plant, animal and aquatic communities. -The Monument may provide greater authority to USFS to direct development of private minerals in accordance with the Monument goals. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument The process moving forward -Continue to work with local and statewide user groups, local business leaders, elected officials, etc. -Continue outreach to agencies on state and federal levels -Direct feedback to WV Congressional delegation and administration officials as developments surface A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard
A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard Birthplace of Rivers National Monument Why Trout Unlimited matters -National Monument gives us an opportunity to tell many stories, from many perspectives. -The mission: Conserve, Protect, Restore -Mission of TU should be reflected in potential monument proclamation or legislation. A National Treasure in Our Own Backyard