How developed was the economy? Nazi Economy How developed was the economy? Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
How did the Nazis deal with Germany’s economic problems? Labour Service & public works The New Plan How did the Nazis reduce unemployment? What was Strength Through Joy? How did the Nazis deal with Germany’s economic problems? Did the Nazis improve the standard of living for German workers? Wages Rearming Germany Changing standards of living
Were Nazi economic policies successful? YES 1939 – unemployment ended Autobans Motivated work force (SdA/KdF) New inventions – synthetic oil, cloth NO Full employment only achieved by persecution of Jews and women Repression of trade unions/control by RAD Self sufficiency not achieved Public works brought the economy to the brink of collapse in 1939 Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Hitler gave work to millions of unemployed Hitler started a huge programme of public works, which gave jobs to thousands of people. From 1933, huge motorways — Autobahns — were started. Unemployment fell dramatically. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
People were encouraged to work by rewards All men between 18 and 25 could be recruited into the National Labour Service and given jobs. The Nazis got rid of trade unions. Instead workers had to join the Nazis' Labour Front. The Nazis introduced ‘Strength through Joy' — a scheme which provided workers with cheap holidays and leisure activities. Another scheme, 'Beauty of Labour', encouraged factory owners to improve conditions for their workers. Output increased in Germany, and unemployment was almost ended completely. The Nazis introduced the Volkswagen (the people's car) as an ambition for people to aim for. Wages were still relatively low though — and workers weren't allowed to go on strike or campaign for better conditions. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
The new plan made Germany more self sufficient Germany's industrial growth meant it was buying more raw materials from abroad. Germany was importing a lot more than it was exporting, which caused economic problems. The Minister of the Economy, Schacht. brought in the New Plan in 1934. This strictly controlled imports and encouraged exports — the aim was to make Germany more self sufficient. Production increased and unemployment fell. Schacht eventually resigned because he felt the increased focus on weapons production was damaging the economy. Control of the economy fell to Goring. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Hitler rearmed the German military The Nazis built up the army secretly at first, because it was breaking the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler sacked some of the generals, and replaced them with Nazi supporters. Goring was put in charge of the Luftwaffe (air force), which had been banned at Versailles. In 1935, military conscription was reintroduced (drafting men into the army). In 1936, the Nazis introduced a Four-Year Plan to prepare the country for war. Industrial production increased — many workers had to retrain in jobs that would help the war effort. The plan was to make Germany a self-sufficient country (an "autarky") so it wasn't reliant on foreign goods. They especially wanted to be self sufficient in the raw materials needed for war. But by 1939, Germany was still importing about a third of its raw materials. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Preparing for war In 1936 Goring was put in charge of the economy. He aimed to make Germany self sufficient — so it could produce enough goods and raw materials to not need imports. Hitler combined economic and military policy. The economy was being geared to war. A Four-Year Plan started in 1936 concentrated on war preparations. Many workers were retrained to do jobs that would help the war effort, such as producing weapons and working in chemical plants. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
How did the Nazis improve the economy? The RAD provided men between 18-25 with manual labour jobs which reduced unemployment. BUT it was compulsory from 1935. It was low paid and all workers lived in camps and had to wear uniform. Hitler spent millions on job creation schemes. They introduced a massive road building scheme which built 7000km of autobahns as well as hospitals, schools and houses. BUT dismissed Jews and women were not included in figures and part time workers were listed and fully employed so the figures looked better than they were. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Autarky 1936 Goering introduced the 4 year plan to create autarky (self sufficiency). BUT these methods did not reduce the amount of imports that Germany imported. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Rearmament Rearmament created jobs e.g. between 1933-39 oil, iron and steel usage trebled. In 1939 26 billion was spent on rearmament. Hitler reintroduced conscription and men had to join the army meaning they were no longer unemployed. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
How did the Nazis improve the economy? The DAF (National Labour Front) was set up on May 2 1933. They replaced trade unions and was led by Robert Ley. Workers given relatively high wages They set up the KdF Strength Through Joy which rewarded hard workers with sponsored leisure activities such as concerts, sporting events and cruises. They also improved working conditions building canteens and sports facilities and installing better lights. BUT The KdF meant that the German people’s leisure time was controlled. Workers received work books and if you didn’t have one e.g. you weren’t a member of the DAF you couldn’t get work. Strikes were banned. Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Evaluation task Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the economy under the Nazis. How successful were Nazi economic policies? To what extent had the Nazis achieved their aims regarding the economy? Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Examination technique How important was the National Labour Service? (4) How important was the Public Work Schemes (4) How important was rearmament amongst other factors, in the success of the German economy between 1933 and 1942? (12) Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful
Source work Using the source and your own knowledge explain why the autarky was so important to Nazi policy in the build up to World War Two (2) Aim: To explain (B) the ways that the Nazis tried to strengthen the economy and evaluate (A) the extent to which it was successful