Enrollment for the 2017-18 school year at Rocky is about to begin Enrollment for the 2017-18 school year at Rocky is about to begin. Here’s what you need to know to be ready.
STEP #1 Fill out the correct grade level worksheet to plan your core, elective, and alternate classes for next year.
There are two resources available to help you complete this step: Course Description Book - on RMHS website Grade level course sheet – on back of worksheet
Additional resources you received: Enrollment Newsletter CTE course information sheet
Class Choice will open today @ 4pm STEP #2 Enter your requested classes into Class Choice Class Choice will open today @ 4pm
Not sure how to use Class Choice? Complete, step-by- step instructions were given to you today and are also available on the RMHS website
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I get stuck or have a question? Counselors will set aside time to help you before school, after School, and at lunch. You can also email your counselor about any problems you are having or questions you have. What if I get stuck or have a question?
What if I don’t have internet access? Counselors will open the library computer lab for students who don’t have computer/internet access on the following days: Feb. 27th and 28th – Before School March 1st and 2nd – At Lunch March 6th – Before School AND At Lunch These dates will be posted in the counseling office.
I lost my forms. What do I do? All forms are available on the RMHS website under Counseling>2017-2018 Enrollment/Registration. Forms are for your personal use and do not need to be turned in to complete registration. I lost my forms. What do I do?
These are found in the section titled “Special” I can’t find the off campus PTE/CTE classes, senior release period, or religious release.
I found the senior release period under special and I qualify to have a release period. However, I don’t know which one to choose or how to add one each day. REL NC AM A = Late start semester 1, one day only – add twice to have it every day. REL NC AM B = Late start semester 2, one day only - add twice to have it every day. REL NC PM A = Early release semester 1, one day only- add twice to have it every day. REL NC PM B = Early release semester 2, one day only- add twice to have it every day. SENIORS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3 CLASSES A DAY!
Class Choice won’t let me pick my electives. Class Choice will not let you choose your electives until you finish your core class requests. Class Choice won’t let me pick my electives. Once you choose a core class in each or the required categories, a drop down box will appear next to Step:3 Electives
I want to be in Fitness both semesters. How do I do that? Go into Electives and check the box beside the fitness class you want to take. Click Save Requests. Go into Electives again and check the box beside the fitness class you want to take. Do not add more than two fitness classes for the school year, even if they are different types.
An elective I want is not in my list of elective choices. Only electives that you qualify to take are in the elective list. If a class you want is not showing up, you can hover over “Mouse over for unavailable classes” to see why it is not listed. An elective I want is not in my list of elective choices. If you believe that the reason listed is incorrect, check the course requirements and pre-requisites in the course description book. The course description book is available with all other enrollment forms under the counseling tab on the RMHS website. If you meet the requirements in the book but cannot choose the class, come to the counseling office.
For now, put in a back up elective incase you are unable to find a TA/Aide position. If you find a position you will be able to remove the unwanted elective or move it to your alternates. On Monday, Feb. 27th, teachers, the main office, and the counseling office will receive TA/Aide forms for next year. Students will see the teacher/office they want to be with and fill out the form. Forms will come back to the counseling office, the TA/Aide position will be added as an elective, and positions will be finalized once schedules are ready in August. I am a senior or junior and want to be a TA, office aide, or counseling aide. What do I do?
The master schedule is created from the courses students request this spring. Does this really matter? I am just going to change my schedule in August anyway. Don’t count on being able to change your schedule in August. Unless there is an error, you will need to keep the classes you choose this spring. Students often complain that we don’t have any “good” classes left to choose from at the start of the semester. Choose good electives now and you won’t have to worry about finding something later.
What happens if I don’t choose my classes? Counselors will assign classes for you and add a note to Class Choice stating that you did not complete enrollment. What happens if I don’t choose my classes? You will be placed in electives that have open seats and will have a lower priority for requested schedule changes in August.
I am moving and won’t be at Rocky next year. Sometimes plans change. If there is even a slight chance you might be here, go ahead and select your classes. If you do check out at the end of the year your requests will be dropped. I am moving and won’t be at Rocky next year. If you are 100% sure you won’t be here, let the counseling secretary know. Just remember that if something changes and you stay here you may not get the classes you want.
REMEMBER! All requests must be entered into Class Choice by MARCH 8th. If you do not log in and choose your classes they will be assigned to you based off of available space. Our master schedule is built from your requests. If you change your mind in August, there may not be room for you in the class you want. Choose wisely! All forms are also available on the RMHS website under counseling/enrollment. Counselors are here to help! Come see us in the counseling office if you have questions or need help.