Ignition Interlock Medical Program G.S. 20-17.8(l) Medical Exception to Requirement – A person subject to this section solely for the reason set forth in subdivision (a)(1) of this section and who has a medically diagnosed physical condition that makes the person incapable of personally activating an ignition interlock system may request an exception to the requirements of this section from the Division.
Who is eligible for the program? Customer’s with offenses prior to 10/1/2013 may apply for the Ignition Interlock medical program upon reinstatement of their driving privileges. Customer’s with offenses on or after 10/1/2013 may apply for the Ignition Interlock medical program upon reinstatement of their driving privileges with a first offense only. Customer’s with prior offenses is not eligible for the Ignition Interlock program based on G.S. 20-17.8(l).
E:\2016 Presentations\MRF-Jane Doe.docx Documents required - The customer will be required to have their primary physician complete a medical report (DL78) and two Ignition Interlock waiver forms completed by two different doctors on two different days with spirometry readings attached. E:\2016 Presentations\MRF-Jane Doe.docx If the customer doesn’t complete the documentation or contact the Division their driving privilege will be cancelled.
Time to complete - Customer’s are allowed 30 days to return all documents upon initial request of documentation. Customer’s may be granted two 45 day extensions upon request if additional time is needed. A third extension may be granted only if the customer provides documentation of an upcoming doctor’s appointment.
Documentation Received - Once all documentation is received and reviewed the packet is forwarded to the Division’s medical review unit for review.
Medical Review Unit Medical Advisors provide a holistic review to determine if the individual is otherwise medically fit to drive. A review of the customer’s medical report and the health care provider’s assessment of his/her ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Medical Advisors review the customer’s spirometry test results from 2 physicians to ascertain the following information: FVC (Vital Capacity – Maximum amount of Air that can be forcefully exhaled after full inhalation) FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 sec) The physician’s assessment regarding the severity of the customer’s diagnosis and medical opinion on the customer’s ability to activate the Ignition Interlock System.
Medical Review Unit Based on the preceding reviews a recommendation is made to approve or disapprove the driver regarding the Lower Lung Capacity setting. The two FEV1 values are provided to assist with setting the range of the Ignition Interlock Device.
Decisions - Reduced Lung Capacity If the customer still is not able to blow at the recommended levels they may be approved for CAM. CAM – Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Device
Review Period - Customer’s will receive a new Ignition Interlock medical packet every 5 months to be reviewed.
Current Participants on Ignition Interlock Medical Program: Active Customers with Reduce Lung Capacity – 69 New Customers requesting packets – 126 Customers cancelled – 40 CAM approved customers – 13