EBU Youth Seminar Bratislava, Slovak Republic 7th – 8th November 2009 “Harnessing new ICT’s as a means to ease the job inclusion of visually impaired youth” EBU Youth Seminar Bratislava, Slovak Republic 7th – 8th November 2009
Visually Impaired Education and Work Support (VIEWS International) “European volunteering projects for and with young visually impaired people” Loredana Mirela Dicsi Visually Impaired Education and Work Support (VIEWS International)
Objectives of the workshop Get aware with terms like: volunteering in general, EVS, Youth in Action Introducing briefly some programs that offer volunteering possibilities in Europe: Youth in Action with Action 2 and Civilian Volunteering Service Sharing experience from the volunteering field
Working Methods Presentation of an 11 minutes film Discussions Debates Homework before the seminary
Materials “A Different Point of View”, film by Anca David from Views Users Guide of Youth in Action Program, Action 2 Volunteer’s Guide, optional document Presentation of Views Activities Powerpoint presentation
Homework Questions to reflect on: Why do you want to be an EVS volunteer? What do you know about EVS and what would you like to know more? To which country would you like to go? For how long? In what kind of project would you like to work (environment, work with children, office work, etc.) Would you need any assistance during the EVS time? If yes, what kind of?
Homework for those who were volunteers If you were an EVS or another kind of volunteer please prepare a half page document and indicate: Where have you been a volunteer? (the country) The period of your volunteering What was your project? What kind of assistance did you get? What did you get from the experience on both personal and professional plan?
Plan of the Workshop Introducing ourselves (first name and the country you are coming from) Presentation of volunteering programs (reference to the homework questions) The film Reactions, sharing experiences Questions and answers from both sides
European Voluntary Service (EVS) What is it? Who can participate? Duration of a project What kind of project can I do as an EVS? How can I become an EVS? What are the benefits?
European Volunteering Center What is it? Who can participate? How long lasts a project? What kind of project? How can I become a volunteer?
The adapted EVS Preparation before the project: the application form for the grant discussion about the special costs: mobility courses adapted documents, white cane etc. Advanced Planning Visit: visit of the Host Organization and the project visit of the flat evaluation with the mobility, daily living officers, and the mentor
The Adapted EVS During the project: reduced working time 20 to 22 h / week During the first 2 weeks: intensive: mobility courses daily living courses language courses
The Adapted EVS During the project: Mobility courses Mindful learning classes Daily living courses Personalized reinforced mentorship Computer classes if needed Adapted city tours Adapted documents in braille, large print or digital format
The adapted EVS We have 4,5 months or 9 months projects We encourage the autonomy of the EVS Our volunteers work as all other volunteers Thanks to the mobility courses, the daily living courses, the appropriate assistance offered in the beginning and the support during the whole project, they can go by themselves to work, do shopping or to their leisure activities
Questions for a future reflection In case we have the time, we will answer or discuss these questions: Is volunteering a first step towards employment? Did my volunteering experience help me to get a job? Was my experience as a volunteer a support to do my job better? Am I more prepared for a first work experience than someone who didn’t do volunteering?
My contacts Name: Loredana Dicsi Email: dicsi_loredana@yahoo.com address: Views International aisbl Rue en Bois 104, 4000 Liège Belgium Phone: +32-4-224-7016 Fax:+32-4-224-7015 web-site: www.views.be www.viewsintl.eu