2017 HN Accounting Network Kim Tree
General Update Session 2016-17 saw the introduction of the revised SCQF level 8 (2nd year) units in the HN Accounting framework re FRS102 The first year units seem to be established A further change from 1 August 2017 - Cash Discount rules have changed and we will introduce Prompt Payment Discount rules in RFI SQA’s Centre News provides updates Update letters may be sent out to all SQA Co-ordinators – usually annual update in August/September and on specific projects HN Accounting web page will have information on updates
The EV Team – our purpose The EV team has our full complement of 7 members All team members are currently working in a college Our role - to ensure consistent quality of assessment decisions of units, across centres and across centre campuses, which fall into Verification Group 266 (Accounting and Finance). to offer support and guidance to those working in the sector
The EV Team - Quality The EV Team has been involved to varying degrees in the update to the frameworks We have had some great help from colleagues in the sector Our quality remit covers the following: External Verification visits Central Verification of Graded Units Prior Verification of assessment instruments Understanding Standards
The EV Team - Support The EV Team have been involved to varying degrees in supporting centres over the years Our support remit covers the following: External Verification visit reports Central Verification of Graded Unit reports Prior Verification of assessment instruments Understanding Standards Development visits Responding to Unit Comments Network Support Events Internal Assessment Reports
The EV wider role EV Team work in the sector and know the issues as they arise If we identify issues during our visits we share them amongst the team to see if these are recurring issues If units need to be updated to be in line with professional or legislation changes we are involved If we think there are issues within a centre then we discuss them with SQA‘s Quality Assurance and Verification (QAV) team
The EV visit The QAV Team at SQA identify centres to be visited on an annual basis Allocate visits based on ethical practice: Move EVs round to avoid familiarity risk As a team we decide on the units to review to provide a view across the sector Ensure there is no conflict of interest with a centre Try to enable EVs to cover all of the work with a centre when we allocate that work SEV and QAV team work on the specific allocations together.
The EV visit journey EVs agree to the visits and agree to make contact with centres within an agreed timeline EVs contact allocated centres and the SEV is copied in on correspondence to ensure that we meet our Service Level Agreements (SLAs) EVs agree with centre on date and sites to be visited and then prepare the visit plans Initial contact through the SQA Co-ordinator but we are often redirected EVs have to correspond through the SQA Co-ordinator
The EV visit EVs select the unit(s) to be reviewed EVs send the visit plan within the SLA EVs ask to meet staff and students EVs are not looking for issues EVs are ensuring standards are maintained so have to review assessment decisions EVs need to hear the opinions of the students. EVs report back to SQA QAV and give our recommendations. No report should ever be a surprise
The impact of our work on centres EV Team agree the units to be verified to allow us as a team to review units across all centres EV Team meet at least twice a year Any issues are raised at the point they appear EVs report back to SQA within 5 days Senior EV reviews all reports and if there are questions these are addressed with the EV SQA QAV have final sign off Any action points are reviewed QAV monitor centres for meeting deadlines
QAV Role The QAV Team monitor the EV allocations EV Team have an allocated QAV staff member – this is our main point of contact if we find an issue during a visit EVs report back to SQA QAV within 5 days Senior EV reviews all reports and if there are questions these are addressed with the EV SQA QAV has final sign off EVs report on any problems which feeds into SQA intelligence to select centres for visits
SEV Role SEV is the main contact with QAV in terms of allocating work SEV monitors the EV team members in terms of meeting SLAs SEV is on call during all visits should the need arise SEV reviews all reports and if there are questions these are addressed with the EV SEV‘s appointment is confirmed on an annual basis SEV prepares an annual Internal Assessment Report noting good practice and issues.
Qualifications Development Role The team work with QM and QO in maintaining the currency of the qualifications The EV team members are often involved in Qualifications Development QM is kept in the loop about any issues with qualifications and centres Any comment forms are discussed with QO, QM and EV team
Support The EV Team are there for support The QO and QM are there for you to contact on an ongoing basis The EVs suggest topics for Network Support Events EVs are often called upon for advice We discuss issues raised in case it identifies an area which needs to be dealt with QO monitors comment forms and this informs any development issues
HN Accounting Network Any questions?