THE LELAND LEGACY PUMP Provides answers to particulate sampling problems High flow rates 24+ hour run times More contaminant mass Increased sensitivity Meaningful data
U.S. EPA REGULATIONS FOR PARTICULATE MATTER Regulations for total suspended particulate (TSP) have been replaced with standards for PM10 and PM2.5. PM10 - referred to as coarse particulate matter PM2.5 - referred to as fine particulate matter
PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERNS FROM FINE PM Increase in respiratory symptoms and related hospital visits for illnesses Asthma and chronic bronchitis Premature death
THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Issued a mandate to the EPA to begin monitoring microenvironments (personal exposures) of PM to obtain better epidemiological data of the actual health effects
WHY SAMPLE MICROENVIRONMENTS? Traditional stationary ambient PM monitors are poor estimators of the actual exposures to susceptible subpopulations. Traditional stationary ambient PM monitors do not permit researchers to assess the health effects of PM on vulnerable individuals.
UNIQUE CHALLENGES SAMPLING PM INDOORS Enhanced sensitivity is required since mass concentrations are low. Small, quiet samplers are required for sampling individuals in microenvironments.
THE MICKEY LELAND NATIONAL URBAN AIR TOXICS RESEARCH CENTER Funded the development of a sample pump and a personal impactor Recognized the need for technology to address PM concerns indoors SKC received the grant for the sample pump!
LELAND LEGACY SAMPLE PUMP HIGH FLOWS Up to 15 L/min LONG RUNS Up to 24+ hours FOR LOW LEVELS In indoor or ambient air SKC Cat. No. 100-3002
LELAND LEGACY PERFORMANCE PROFILE 24+ hour run time with impactors and similar samplers for PM sampling 17-hour run time at 5 L/min with 25-mm, 0.8-µm MCE asbestos cassette Alternative AC operation Flow accuracy ± 3% of set-point after calibration Flow fault with auto restart Rechargeable Li-Ion battery
LELAND LEGACY PERFORMANCE PROFILE Pump Serial Number Flow Rate Air Volume Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Time of Day Run Time Display Options
LELAND LEGACY PERFORMANCE PROFILE Noise levels 55 dB in noise-reducing pouch at 10 L/min and 12 inches H20 Ruggedness Impact, dust, and water resistant
LELAND LEGACY PERFORMANCE PROFILE High-power lithium-ion battery pack Patented* internal flow sensor Automatically compensates for changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure 3-button manual operation PC programmable using SKC DataTrac® software History downloadable * U.S. Patent No. 5,892,160
LELAND LEGACY PUMP FEATURES Rubber “boot” molded onto the case for impact resistance Keyboard and LCD window are water resistant. Optional pump pouch with sound-reducing material reduces sound to 55 dB at 10 L/min.
PM IN INDOOR AIR USING THE SIOUTAS IMPACTOR Developed by researchers at the University of S. California to collect data on the relationship between outdoor and indoor PM levels and to assess personal exposures. Allows for measurement of mass, particle size, and chemical composition.
SIOUTAS PERSONAL CASCADE IMPACTOR Four impaction stages and after-filter: 2.5 to 10 µm 1.0 to 2.5 µm 0.5 to 1.0 µm 0.25 to 0.5 µm < 0.25 µm SKC Cat. No. 225-370
ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY VERIFICATION U.S. EPA Environmental Technology Verification (EPA-ETV) is a program designed to accelerate acceptance of new, improved technologies through performance verification. The SKC Leland Legacy Pump with the Sioutas Impactor received EPA-ETV verification.
SAMPLE ANALYSIS SIOUTAS IMPACTOR TOTAL MASS Gravimetric analysis CHEMICAL SPECIES See EPA IO-3 for a variety of methods including AA, XRF, ICP, proton-induced X-ray emission spectroscopy, and neutron activation.
PM IN INDOOR AIR SINGLE-STAGE IMPACTORS Method IP-10A in the U.S. EPA Compendium of Methods for Indoor Air specifies the use of a personal single stage impactor for particulates. The method describes the Personal Environmental Monitor (PEM) available from SKC. The PEM has various models for collection of PM10 or PM2.5 at 2, 4, or 10 L/min. SKC 761-SERIES
LELAND LEGACY PUMP WITH THE PEM The PEM designed for PM10 or PM2.5 at 10 L/min can be partnered with the Leland Legacy pump to enhance the amount of contaminant mass collected.
PM MEASUREMENTS USING THE IMPACT SAMPLER The Leland Legacy pump can be also be partnered with the SKC IMPACT single-stage inertial impactor for collection of PM10 or PM2.5 at 10 L/min. The IMPACT Sampler offers the advantage of pre-oiled impaction substrates. SKC Cat. Nos. 225-390 and 225-392
DPS SYSTEM WITH THE LELAND LEGACY PUMP pump and the IMPACT Sampler have been incorporated into the Deployable Particulate Sampler System for PM10 or PM2.5. SKC Cat. No. 100-3901/2
DPS SYSTEM WITH THE LELAND LEGACY PUMP The DPS System has been widely used by the U.S. Dept of Defense for measuring PM exposures of deployed soldiers from sand storms but also has an application for indoor air.
PESTICIDES AND PCBs IN INDOOR AIR USING SORBENT CARTRIDGES WITH PUF ASTM D4861-94a specifies a flow rate from 1 to 5 L/min from 4 to 24 hours Partnering PUF sorbent cartridges with the Leland Legacy pump at 5 L/min for 24 hours can greatly improve sensitivity. SKC Cat. No. 226-92
LELAND LEGACY PUMP PROGRAMMABILITY Keyboard control, Real-time data display Start and stop date and time Total sample time Flow rate and air volume Temperature and atmospheric pressure Battery status
LELAND LEGACY PUMP PROGRAMMABILITY Optional SKC DataTrac software provides the ultimate flexibility in scheduling and record keeping capabilities.
SKC DATATRAC SOFTWARE REAL-TIME SAMPLE SETUP View, Set, or Reset: Hold/run status Accumulated run time and air volume Temperature and atmospheric pressure Flow correction factors based on external calibration
SKC DATATRAC SOFTWARE SAMPLE SETUP WINDOW Record: Sample identification Method/media Calibration data Environmental conditions Analysis results
SKC DATATRAC SOFTWARE PUMP SCHEDULER WINDOW Program: Sampling intervals Start/stop date, time, and flow rates Create a sampling schedule
SKC DATATRAC SOFTWARE SAMPLE HISTORY WINDOW Record, View, Save, or Print: Run Times Flow Rates Air Volumes Changes in operational status
LELAND LEGACY WITH SKC CALCHEK This SKC patented† feature allows the Leland Legacy pump and Defender primary flow calibrator to communicate directly. When connected, the pump adjusts the flow until the displayed values of both agree. Fast, easy, and accurate with no manual adjustments † U.S. Patent No. 6,227,031 and 6,363,769