Literatura Inglesa I Aula 2 Hélcio Lanzoni
English: A Language Is Born The English Language had a violent origin, with a lot of fights and battles. First works of English Literature: heroes, battles, courage and bravery are their highest values.
1500 to 1800 ► Early Modern English Until 449 ► Celtish 450 to 1100 A.D. ► Old English 1100 to 1500 ► Middle English 1500 to 1800 ► Early Modern English 1800 until today ► Late Modern English 3
Old English Different Languages in Brittain: Celtish Latin Germanic Languages
At the beginning of the 5th Century, the local people spoke Celtic while the government and officials spoke Latin, the language of the occupying Roman force.
Britain, however, was coming under increasing attack from peoples of Northern Europe. When the Romans left (to defend other parts of the Roman Empire), the country was essentially undefended.
The Saxons, Angles, and Jutes invaded Celtic Britain in the first half of the fifth century (the Old English or Anglo-Saxon period) up untill the conquest in 1066 by William of Normandy. These invaders and then occupiers were known as Anglo-Saxons. The Angles came from Englaland and spoke Englisc.
The language they used came from back home and it took over completely from Celtic and Latin in much the same way that English settlers several hundred years later settled in North America and Australia bringing their own language with them and just taking a few words from the indigenous peoples and languages.
Old English was firstly written using Runes. Very few examples survive (only about 200 inscriptions) and they consist mainly of scratched marks on wood, bone or stone.
Near the end of the 6th Century an important event happened Near the end of the 6th Century an important event happened. The Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity and then the Church arrived and began to write things on paper.
Religious texts were written in Latin, because it was the language of the church, but many texts were written in Anglo-Saxon - using the Roman alphabet.
The development of literacy, learning and cultural life in the Anglo-Saxon England was influenced by the Church and the Benedictine foundations. Besides that, their Latin culture played an important role in any Anglo-Saxon poems, since scribal effort had been spent on the new language of culture.
What is known as Old English literature comes from the Anglo-Saxon period, which were composed in the vernacular Anglo-Saxon. Pagan Elegies and Pagan Epic Poetry, Latin Writings and Old English Prose, and Old English Christian Poetry are included and considered early national poetry.
Check it out: Old English was the language spoken in what is now England from around the 5th - 11th centuries and is the origin of modern English. Back then it was called Englisc and the people who spoke were the Anglo-Saxons; Old English is also known as Anglo-Saxon. Although a modern English speaker would likely have great difficulty in understanding written or spoken Old English, about half the words we use today are derived from Old English.
The Old English language was the earliest form of English, and it was spoken from about 600 to about 1100 A.D. The remaining fragments of the Old English Literature materialize centuries of the past oral literature tradition and most have unknown or anonymous authors. 15
Old English Wé = we hú = how Oft = often hé = he under = under him = him wæs = was cyning = king The language is still very different from modern English due to words we no longer use and a very different grammar.
Old English Fæder ure Fæder ure ðu ðe eart on heofenum, si ðin nama gehalgod; to-becume ðin rice; geweorþe ðin willa on eorðan swa swa on heofenum. Urne ge dæghwamlican hlaf syle us to-deag and forgyf us ure gyltas swa swa we forgifaþ urum gyltendum, ane ne gelæde ðu us on costnunge, ac alys us of yfle. Soþlice 17
Old English wéox under wolcnum weorðmyndum þáh he waxed under the clouds, throve in honours, oð þæt him aéghwylc þára ymbsittendra until to him each of the bordering tribes fer hronráde hýran scolde, beyond the whale-road had to submit, gomban gyldan· þæt wæs gód cyning. and yield tribute: that was a good king!
The name of its author is unknown. BEOWULF is the first known epic in English appeared in the seventh century. (An epic is the story in poetry of the adventures of a brave man or men.) The name of its author is unknown. 19
Literatura Inglesa I Atividade 2 Hélcio Lanzoni
Conforme discutido na aula, por volta do século V os habitantes da Bretanha falavam Celta, enquanto o governo e os oficiais romanos falavam em latim. Qual foi a contribuição dessas duas línguas com a chegada das tribos germânicas, após a retirada de Roma?
A língua dos invasores (Englisc) suplantou as línguas anteriormente utilizadas (Celta e Latim), aproveitando apenas algumas palavras e expressões. No entanto, a linguagem escrita, que ocorria por meio de runas, passou a adotar o alfabeto romano após a conversão para o cristianismo.