Steve Graham Sr. Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs Strategies to Enhance Student Success Steve Graham Sr. Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs
Today’s Discussion Goals Current state and strategies Barriers First-Year Retention 6-year graduation Career Outcomes eLearning & Distance Learning Affordable and Open Educational Resources Barriers Achievable goals Investments needed for the University of Missouri
Goals Are there others? Increase Access Increase Retention Rate Increase Graduation Rate Enhance Learning Experience Expand Professional Development Opportunities Lower the Debt at Graduation Boost Career Outcomes Are there others?
Current State: First-Year Retention Cohort FTC First-Year Retention (%): UM System 2007-09 83.2 2008-10 83.4 2009-11 83.1 2010-12 2011-13
Strategies that Enhance First-Year Retention Rates Mizzou Direct & Mizzou K-12 programs Offer courses throughout Missouri through distance learning Dual credit, Advanced Placement courses Distance learning curriculum for high school students to matriculate as seniors Advising and intervention programs Early warning and Just-in-time Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) Summer bridge programs Supplemental instruction for gateway/gatekeeper courses Additional strategies?
Discussion Barriers Goals Investments
Current State: Six-Year Graduation Rates Cohort Six-Year Graduation Rates (%): UM System 2002-04 63.6 2003-05 64.4 2004-06 65.9 2005-07 66.6 2006-08 66.9
Strategies that Enhance Six-Year Graduation Rates 15 to finish 4-year curriculum plans with clarity around courses that are critical for success Create user-friendly resources to explain accelerated and 4- year pathways Create a 4-year commitment for students Mega major maps Mapping tools that alert students and faculty if the students are off track Alternative pathways for students who do not get into highly competitive programs Additional strategies?
Discussion Barriers Goals Investments
Current State: Career Outcomes Rates The UM System career knowledge rate is 78.6% The percentage of students for whom we have career information post-graduation The UM System career outcomes rate is 67.6% The percentage of students who are engaged in work, military service, additional education, and more See the National Association for Colleges & Employers for more information.
Strategies that Enhance Career Outcomes Rates Implement a more robust career outcomes survey methodology to increase the knowledge rate and career outcomes Provide more professional development for undergraduate students Expand experiential learning opportunities, including: Co-ops, internships, study abroad, undergraduate research, service learning and more Centralize and enhance career development and placement offices to offer all students opportunities for job placement Engage with economic development and industry partners Increase post-graduation support to those who need it Additional strategies?
Discussion Barriers Goals Investments
Current State: eLearning & Distance Learning 2016-17 Academic Year: Total enrollment in 100% online sections: 69,742 Individual students enrolled in 100% online sections: 34,593 Percentage of students enrolled in at least one 100% online courses: 41% (47% of MU students) 100% online courses: 1,897 Shared courses: 253 students in 39 courses Trend Since 2012: Overall system increase of 82% in enrollments and an increase of 71% of student credit hours The UM System has made considerable progress on the eLearning efforts. The goal in the strategic plan was to increase the number of students enrollments in 100% online courses by at least five percent each year and to increase the number of student credit hours (SCH) by five percent annually. We have exceed our goals each year with an overall system increase of 82% in enrollments since 2012 and an increase of 71% of SCH since 2012. During FY17, the growth was strong showing increases of 6% in SCH and 8% in enrollments last year alone. This compares favorably to the approximately 3-5% increase seen nationally. System wide, 41% of students are taking at least one 100% online course per year. To note, 47% of MU students are taking at least one 100% online course per year compared to 22% of students in 2012.
Strategies that Enhance eLearning & Distance Learning Common Learning Management System and PeopleSoft Student Info System across the four campuses (i.e., portal) All distance learning courses are available in single portal Seamless registration for any student for any distance learning course Sharing of revenue for offering unit and home unit of registered student Engage faculty in team teaching or course sharing across all four campuses Invest in instructional design and online instructor training Provide incentives to faculty to redesign courses to 100% distance learning courses
Discussion Barriers Goals Investments
Current State: Affordable and Open Education Resources Annual amount budgeted for students to spend on textbooks, course materials, and supplies: $700 reported by MU students $509 reported by the Mizzou Store $1,250 reported by students nationally MU Faculty/instructors using OER: Approx. 30% faculty/instructors report they are currently using, have previously used, or are planning to use OER materials in their courses The UM bookstore’s AutoAccess program that has already saved students system-wide $7.2 million since its launch in 2014 Source: Moving Forward with OER at the University of Missouri (internal report provided by MU’s affordable and open educational resources initiative.
Strategies that Enhance Affordable and Open Educational Resources Build and leverage system-wide expertise Strong support from librarians and instructional designers UM Bookstore already a national leader in textbook affordability Build awareness and increase utilization of options to decrease the cost of educational resources Provide incentives for faculty to redesign courses Share UM-created resources across campuses and with larger academic communities Additional strategies?
Discussion Barriers Goals Investments
Summary & Next Steps