NAA applications in Mongolia FNCA Workshop on Neutron Activation Analysis 25-27 November 2015, Daejeon, South Korea Efforts for promotion of NAA and establishment of linkages with appropriate end-users of NAA NAA applications in Mongolia Baljinnyam N, Damdinsuren G* Central Geological Laboratory, Mongolia *Nuclear Research Center of National University of Mongolia
Introduction Mineral resources: Environmental pollutions: Food safety: Au, W, Ag, Cu, Mo, Fe, CaF2, U, REE Environmental pollutions: Air pollution Soil and sediment Food safety: Food products Soil, plants, fodders Our NAA possibilities are limited by this neutron flux. We have a policy to obtain a research reactor.
NAA applications NAA has been used to determine gold, copper, silver, arsenic, uranium, rare-earth elements and heavy metals in geological and environmental samples.
Potential end-users for NAA in Mongolia Mining companies Environmental monitoring organizations Inspection Agency For PT of certification of reference materials
MAIN MINING COMPANIES Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) – copper molybdenum mining Oyu Tolgoi mine – copper and gold mining Koje Gobi –AREVA – uranium mining Mongolian other coal and gold mining companies
Mining companies interested in: Elemental analysis in geological and ore samples To assess the impact of the contamination from the industrial and mining processing activities. Workplace monitoring and occupational health studies (hair, nail ….)
Environmental monitoring organizations interested in: To determine concentrations of heavy metals and other trace elements in environmental samples (water, soil, plants and sediment samples) Biomonitoring air pollution in capital and industrial cities through trace-elements and radionuclides: temporal and spatial trends To detect the source of contamination of the environment
Inspection Agency interested in: Use of INAA in studying health impacts of toxic elements consumed through foodstuffs contaminated by industrial activities in Mongolia Use of INAA in elemental analysis of some Mongolian medicinal plants Use NAA for control of the import products such as foods and construction materials
Certification of reference materials and PT at Central Geological Laboratory
1973-1991 starting phase of C(RM) production In 1973 CGl participated in the international project “Production of RMs for mineral resources” (Council of Mutual Economic Assistance ) participation in more then 50 certification projects 1980 first own certification for fluorspar CRM of Mongolia Production of 9 C(RM)s according to GOST and SEV standards Achievements: C(RM) certificates used as proof document for export of mining products of Mongolia Possibility to use C(RM)s for internal analytical control purposes at CGL In 1990 the external control analysis abroad was stopped
1992-2006 second phase Production of C(RM)s for quality control purposes for mining and geology section of Mongolia Project “Production of C(RM)s from mineral resources” Main objectives: - to increase type and number of Mongolian RMs - to increase the number of certified parameters -to find more laboratories qualified for certification analyses Achievements: - 26 C(RM)s and 21 quality control materials developed according to the GOST standards Implementation of joint reference material projects, especially with BGR and IAG Participation in GeoPT scheme Accreditation according to the ISO/IEC 17025 by German accreditation body DAP in 2005
Since 2007 third phase Production of CRMs in accordance with ISO standards and marketing of CGL CRM at the international and domestic market Mongolian- German joint project “Certification of reference materials” - Modernization of preparation laboratory and equipment - Development of advanced sample preparation methods - Introduction and strict implementation of the ISO-Guide 30 series standards - Training of staff members for all relevant certification aspects - Introduction of specialized software for statistical evaluation - Networking with relevant international CRM organizations - Development of CRM marketing strategies
CGL established good and long-term basis for organization of proficiency testing within geological and geochemical laboratories operating the country as well in abroad. CGL is accredited against ISO/IEC 17043 as PT provider by the ANSI-ASQ ANAB – American National Accreditation Board recently in June, 2015 So CGL has got THREE accreditations that is called as “PLATINUM ACCREDITATION”.
The first PT scheme at CGL Feasibility study, decision and planning: November 2013- February 2014 PT sample: Hard coal Invitation letter sent to 24 laboratories 19 laboratories participated Distribution of sample: 4-10 March, 2014 Deadline for submission of analytical results: 4 April, 2014 Distribution of report: June 2014 Fee: Free of charge CGL PT01 – Coal 1st round
The second PT scheme at CGL Feasibility study, planning and decision: 1st Quarter 2015 Registration: from 1 July, 2015 PT sample: Copper ore Analytes to be determined: Cu Ag Mo Pb Zn Reporting: November 2015 CGL PT02 – Copper ore, 1st round
CGL PT perspectives Coal 2014 2015 … Copper ore 2017 Iron 2016 2018 Environ-ment (soil, water) 2019 ... … … ??? We invite your laboratories to participate our next PT rounds
FUTURE PLAN 1. Air pollution study using moss biomonitoring technique in capital and other industrial cities. We collected 45 moss samples from 5 sites south part of Ulaanbaatar city. Analysis is starting at IBR-2M reactor in Dubna. Results of this study will be discuss in the 29th Task Force Meeting, 29 February – 4 March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation. This study will be continued in samples from other parts of Ulaanbaatar city.
2. Starting process producing of CRM of Mongolian people hair 2. Starting process producing of CRM of Mongolian people hair. We are starting collect hair samples from all provinces of Mongolia. For some elemental analysis using INAA. 3. INAA for REE of Mongolian deposites 4. Environmental monitoring around indusrtial and mining areas
Thank you for your kind attention