Introduction This is a partnership between the University Hospital, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana and the Grantham Practice, in London, United Kingdom Founded by Dr Vikesh Sharma, a GP Partner and Dr Nana Kwame Ayisi-Boateng, a Family Physician
Grantham Practice A medium-sized Family Medicine Clinic in South London (Stockwell) 6,700 registered clients,5 General Practitioners (GPs) Approximately 700 from Ghana or West Africa Main community centre for all Lambeth minor surgeries
KNUST Hospital A quasi-government institution located on the University Campus, KNUST, Kumasi Provides general medical and specialist services for students, staff and their dependents as well as private patients > 80,000 patients seen annually
COMMON PROBLEMS Achieving clients’ satisfaction and meeting their expectations Acquiring and maintaining modern medical equipment as well as an efficient client data processing system Building the capacity of health workers to address global health challenges Establishing a cost-effective medical practice Innovating the service delivery to keep pace with evolving patient socioeconomic diversity
WONCA AFRICA 2015 1st Meeting with Dr Vikesh Sharma at WONCA AFRICA Conference in May, 2015
Dr Sharma engaged with Ghana Faculty of Family Medicine He paid a visit to KNUST Hospital! Partnership started
MISSION A global health partnership aimed at promoting efficient delivery of primary care by developing an innovative family medicine model through shared knowledge and expertise, with the potential to transform the patient experience and empower future generation of doctors
AIMS To establish an effective and sustainable partnership To better understand the influences of culture, lifestyle and beliefs on health To promote the interest of young doctors in Family Medicine To improve outcomes in patients with chronic illnesses To prevent the development of disease through health promotion 6. To engage better with the local community
5-Year Action Plan An official document as blueprint for the partnership Establish a two-way referral system Develop exchange programmes for UK GPs and Ghanaian medical students/doctors Create e-learning platforms and subscribe to journals Undertake community-oriented and hospital-based projects Develop a curriculum for undergraduate training in Family Medicine at KNUST by the year 2020
RESULTS A Facebook page created for the partnership Updates on our activities Public education on chronic diseases Created a shared Dropbox Account for medical literature
RESULTS 0ctober 2015 – Annual Conference of the RCGP in Glasgow, Scotland
RESULTS Contacts made and new friendships developed Met Prof Amanda Howe, President, WONCA World
RESULTS Working Visit to GRANTHAM PRACTICE Studied UK GP appointment system Electronic Medical Information System Shared expertise on managing Ghanaian patients
RESULTS Dr Sharma run an evening health education at a West African Local Church He has gained better insight into managing health challenges of West African patients
RESULTS Presented a proposal for a £20, 000 THET grant to undertake a community based diabetes care Qualified for 2nd phase Learnt important lessons Focus of partnership sharpened
RESULTS September 2016, Lambeth CCG Award for outstanding contribution to Primary Care For his intimate works with the local ethnic communities
RESULTS $1,000 Travel bursary to participate in 2016 WONCA World Conference in November Workshop on International Partnerships in Family Medicine
Challenges Institutional bottlenecks and bereaucracy Partners’ personal, family and career commitments Funds for partnership currently generated from private resources
FUTURE PROSPECTS Commitment to the 5-year action plan Explore another opportunity to be awarded a THET grant or other international funds Provide inspiration and direction for more international partnerships in Family Medicine
CONCLUSION Partnership has been truly bilateral and mutually beneficial
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Faculty of Family Medicine, GCPS KNUST Hospital Management Grantham Practice Management Junior International Committee, RCGP
“Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labour” ECCLESIASTES 4: 9 NKJV