Weekly Objectives Homework Spelling Words Week of Oct 16, 2017 Week 1 of 2nd 9 Weeks Issue # 2 Mrs. Castellano's Class Weekly Objectives Homework As part of your 20 minutes reading time, please use istation; storyline online; bookflix: bkflix.Grolier.com-UN: jdrugan. PW: bookflix Monday– Read your fluency folder pages: 16-17 (time for one minute); Write spelling words three times each. Math: p.Week 10. Bring homework to school everyday. Tuesday– Read your fluency folder Pages: 16-17 (time for one minute). Math: p.Week 10. Write spelling words in ABC order. Wednesday- Read your fluency folder Pages: 16-17 (time for one minute); Math: p.Week 10. Write a sentence for all spelling words. . Thursday- Read your fluency folder Pages: 16-17 (time for one minute); Math: p.Week 10. Ask parents to give you a practice spelling test. Practice the ones you missed. Write a sentence for all your vocabulary word Friday-Tests on story of the week, spelling words, vocabulary words . I will send the tests on Friday. Please sign and return them. If you don’t get them, please write me a note in the agenda. Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math – Adding and Subtracting 2 digit by 2 digits. Science – Forces in Motion. Effects on an object Social Studies – Functions of the Government/ Spelling Words Pattern: Long Ii: i_e Time, five, like, hide, nine, kite, lime, hike, ride, smile, shine, fine, mine, line, life, side, lie, site, write, bike Vocabulary Words Story: A Tall Tale 1.independence: freedom, to do things by yourself. 2.landmark: an object on the land. Statue of Liberty. 3. State: a large land area within the country. Like Texas. 4.government: a group of people who make laws. 5.symbol: something that stands for something else. Parent Signature: X_____________________________ Welcome Back parents and students! I hope you had a restful break. Conference Period: M,T,Th, F from 1:00 to 1:20pm. Please write me a note in the agenda so that we can schedule time to meet. Please continue to use istation at home. The program provides fun lesson to help students in areas they are having a hard time in. Thank you for allowing us to have perfect attendance. We start a new competition. Thank you for checking the homework everyday. We start Superschool at 7:45am. It is now very difficult for me to check it. Thank you.