Science & Social Studies What’s New… in Ms. McFarland’s Class 10-14-16 A Note from the Teacher Important Reminders I was so excited to see everyone last night at Student Led Conferences, thank you for taking time out of your day to drop by. The next couple of weeks are going to be filed with all kinds of fun things! Next week is a dress up week for the book fair. Wednesday, October 19 is Muffins with mom and Friday is the school’s Fall Festival! We had such a great time at Jackson’s Orchard and we were so glad that so many of you were able to join us! Items for the basket are due on October 18. Our theme is Holiday Baking! Anything you can use in the kitchen can go in our basket. Fall Festival is Friday. If you would like to bring in little prizes or candies that would be greatly appreciated! Volunteers are welcome as well! What We’re Learning… Reading Math Science & Social Studies Next week we will be reading “Abraham Lincoln”. We will be learning about Author’s Purpose and Text Structure. We will also be learning about contractions! Students are moving on to Chapter 3 in Ms. McFarland’s math class! We will be learning about using doubles facts and adding and subtracting within 20! Students are learning about symbols and American Symbols! Students will be traveling from France to the United States during one activity to deliver the Statue of Liberty!