How Big Data Shape Audiences
Ambiguities “…the review group focused on data that is so large in volume, so diverse in variety or moving with such velocity, that traditional modes of data capture and analysis are insufficient—characteristics colloquially referred to as the “3 Vs.”
Irrational Exuberance “…with enough data, the numbers speak for themselves.” Anderson (2008)
Distinguishing Physical & Social Worlds
What Are (is?) “Big Data?” What do the data really measure? Is it complete? Analytics How are the data reduced? How are results reported?
What do the Data Measure? The Data (search, visit, view, buy, share, etc.) What do behaviors tell us?
Counting Heads Views Votes
Search Algorithms Count inbound links Weight popular links Produce PageRank
Collaborative Filtering Track personal history “People like you” Hybrid
Popularity Bias
“Wisdom of Crowds”
Herding Behavior
Concentrating Public Attention
Personalization Bias Personalization Technologies Social Networks/Affinity Groups
Filter Bubbles
Polarizing Public Attention
Big Data Shape Social Realities These systems are not neutral They privilege certain outcomes They are capable of promoting self-fulfilling prophesies