Interstate 15 North 8/17/2015 Update
I-15 North Environmental Document Study Purpose and Project Elements I-15 North Environmental Assessment –FONSI issued May 2007 Purpose: Improve Safety, Operations & Access Decrease Congestion Reduce Travel Times Accommodate Projected Traffic Elements Increase Capacity Interchange and ramp improvements Freeway Management System Planning/NEPA/PE cost to date $ 8 million includes all phases except some of Phase 1 (Design Build) Design Cost
I – 15 North Phase 1 (Constructed) Widened I-15 to ten lanes from US 95 (Spaghetti Bowl) to Lake Mead Widened I-15 to eight lanes from Lake Mead Boulevard to Craig Road Reconfigured Lake Mead Interchange – realignment of the on-ramps and off-ramps Added Auxiliary Lanes Completed 2010, $ 270 million Cost to Construct via Design Build (DB). The DB Project included DB design cost as well as construction costs
I-15 North Phase 2 (Package A & B) Package A to advertise in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2016.The estimated cost to construct is between $ 38.7 to $ 40.2 million Design Bid Build. Includes: Widen I-15 from 4 to 6 lanes for 4.8 miles Add Aux. Lanes between interchanges Restore pavement condition Widen & Seismic Retrofit 4 Bridges over the UPRR Landscape and Aesthetic Improvements Package B -ITS completed construction in 12/2013 at a cost $ 5.234 M
I-15 North Phase 3 Project Design to resume 2016 Construction Packaging to be determined Cost of Construction estimated to be between $ 75- $ 85 M First Construction Package to Advertise FFY 2019 Project elements Widen I-15 from 4 to 6 lanes (4.6 miles) Possible new interchange between Speedway and Apex Restore pavement condition Landscape and Aesthetic Improvements
I-15 North Phase 4 Improve I-15 and CC 215 Beltway System to System Interchange Two concepts under consideration (Three level & Two level) Improve freeway safety and operations, and local connectivity by providing a new interchange Construction Packaging To be determined by March 2016 First Construction Package FFY 2018 Cost of Construction estimated to be between $ 142 - $ 191.8 M
NDOT Project Management Division: Assistant Chief – Lynnette Russell Project Contact NDOT Project Management Division: Assistant Chief – Lynnette Russell Email – Phone – 702-671-6601 Project Manager – Dwayne Wilkinson Email – Phone – 702-671-8879