ILC2016x 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
Overview the previous “official” release of ILC lattice description files (MAD8 Extended Standard Input Format files) was designated ILC2015b the latest ILC release, designated ILC2016x, is ILC2015b plus the following changes: implementation of Change Request CR-011 … rearrangement of undulator positron source remove low-energy transport line between pre-acceleration and booster linac add short collimation/emittance diagnostic section after pre-acceleration move booster linac upstream add energy compressor after booster linac (before path length adjuster) 3 chicanes to generate R56 one 9-cavity cryomodule (moved from PLTR) remove energy compression sub-systems from PLTR pre-PLTR chicane one 9-cavity cryomodule (moved to new energy compressor) modify PLTR lattice around spin rotator solenoid prepare space for possible replacement of superconducting solenoid with room temperature solenoids at a later time reduce length of positron LET system by 0.319462 m to maintain e+/e- path length difference changes to Beam Delivery System collimation setup by Glen White and Lew Keller reconfigured spoiler/absorber locations addition of muon spoilers FF offset got 28.5453 mm bigger (old: 1.6652 m; new: 1.6938 m) 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
CR-11 implementation based on designs by T. Okugi 2015/10/07 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
e+ Source changes for CR11 (1) PPA no changes through end of PPALIN (pre-acceleration) section exit matching section modified three 45° FODO cells added (new PPAEMIT section) Lcell = 8 m space for 3 sets (X and Y) of betatron collimators separated by 45° (βX,Y ≈ 15 m) space for 4 wire scanners separated by 45° for emittance measurement (βX,Y ≈ 10 m) PTRANL (removed) PBSTR entrance matching section modified remove one quadrupole booster linac moved upstream by 397.310894 m no changes to booster linac configuration or component complement PEC (new) three 4-dipole chicanes added for R56 generation (L ≈ 20 m per chicane) ΔXmax ≈ 1285 mm ηmax ≈ 1330 mm R56total ≈ 1416 mm ΔStotal ≈ 688 mm one “Type A” 9-cavity cryomodule (moved from pLTR) Vtotal = 131 MV (zero-crossing phase) 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
e+ Source changes for CR11 (2) PPLA (same configuration as ILC2015b) entrance matching section modified three 4-dipole chicanes for path length adjustment (L ≈ 20 m per chicane) parameters for S = S0 (S can be adjusted ±230 mm) ΔXmax ≈ 744 mm ηmax ≈ 752 mm R56total ≈ 464 mm ΔStotal ≈ 230 mm exit matching section modified PTRANH FODO lattice lengthened by ~300 m Ncell = 38 (was 36) Lcell = 32 m (was 25.3 m) Δψcell = 90° (was 38°) PLTR remove energy compressor / path length adjuster chicane (at end of PTRANH, before PLTR) remove energy compressor RF one “Type A” 9-cavity cryomodule (moved to PEC) replace lattice around spin rotator solenoid with slightly modified Okugi-san design prepare space for possible replacement of superconducting solenoid with room temperature solenoids at a later time superconducting solenoid itself is unchanged from ILC2015b (L = 8.32 m, Bz = 3.162 T) 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x ILC2015b possible wire scanner location PCAP PBSTR PPA PPAEMIT possible wire scanner location possible collimator location ILC2015b PCAP PTRANL PPA 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x ILC2015b PBSTR PTRANH PEC chicane PEC RF PLA PBSTR PTRANH PLA 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x ILC2015b PBSTR PTRANH PEC chicane PEC RF PLA PBSTR PTRANH PLA 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x ILC2015b PTRANH PDRINJ PLTR PEC RF PTRANH PDRINJ PLTR PEC/PLA chicane 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x ILC2015b PTRANH PDRINJ PLTR PEC RF PTRANH PDRINJ PLTR PEC/PLA chicane 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
e+ LET changes for CR11 PLTL reduce length of “RTMATCH” beamline (just upstream of turnaround) by 0.159731 m rematch return line to turnaround PBC2 reduce length of “BC2_ML_2” beamline (matching between PBC2 and PML) by 0.159731 m rematch PBC2 to PML 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
LTL to turnaround match DR extraction turnaround BC2 to Main Linac match Return Line Main Linac IP 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
see Glen White’s presentation later this morning … BDS changes in ILC2016x eCOL/pCOL (low energy) reconfigured spoiler/absorber locations and added muon spoiler definitions as per recent simulation study for muon background supression eFF/pFF (low energy) eCOL/pCOL (high energy) eFF/pFF (high energy) see Glen White’s presentation later this morning … 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x: ECOL/PCOL (ECM ≤ 600 GeV) ILC2016x: EFF/PFF (ECM ≤ 600 GeV) 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x: ECOL/PCOL (ECM > 600 GeV) ILC2016x: EFF/PFF (ECM > 600 GeV) 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
To-Do List (in no particular order) need to fix earth’s curvature following and vertical orbit/dispersion compensation broken since ILC2015a release … see Arun Saini’s Tuesday presentation BSY laserwire chicane offset large enough for laserwire photon detection? old (polarimeter) chicane offset was 20 mm … offset now is 8 mm document work for configuration of spoilers, absorbers & muon spoilers document muon fluxes with different configurations including muon wall if no muon wall -> shielding requirements for neutrons design and documentation of BCS in BDS; emergency extraction kicker requirements … further optimization of FFS lattice, especially for Ecm < 500 GeV; error tolerances tight for all lattices, mover tolerances very tight consider design of dispersion correction system for BDS design of FD anti-solenoid, inclusion into models of FD field-map & anti-DID, check simulated tuning; generate field and vibration tolerance specs complete design and decks for abort/tuneup lines to tuneup/abort dump and from undulator to main dump; make consistent with beam dump CR FFS matching: operational phase control for FFS & collimation system, optimized 6-parameter matching; define match tolerances 1 TeV extraction line design- currently beam loss rates too high convert ILC decks to AML format? UAP: debug AML parsers to all common deck formats define a consistent nomenclature for decks and apply develop and maintain a common start-end tracking environment merge repository into EDMS and document 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)
ILC2016x: Lattice Repository 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan) no account (user ID, password) required to download Until ILC2016x is “officially” accepted (i.e. incorporated into EDMS system), it should be downloaded from a specific branch of the repository (see next slide … ) 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan) download the “RC2016X” branch (complete set of ILC MAD input files) 12/08/2016 LCWS2016 (Morioka, Japan)