Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Youth Involvement Presented at; The British Council Active Citizens National Study Visit & The British Council and Sokoto State Conference on Inclusive Education Sokoto State, Nigeria 2016 By Dr Jaliyyah Bello
The Sustainable Development Goals A new set of Goals adopted on the 25th of September 2015 The Goals are titled “TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD”: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development The Agenda has 15 years lifespan with 169 targets. There are; 22 targets in 2020 3 targets in 2025 144 targets in 2030 This Agenda is a plan of action for People, Planet and Prosperity They are necessary recommendations not compulsory action plan
The Sustainable Development Goals Figure 1: A picture chart of the 17 SDGs
Youth (Global Perspective) The United Nations population division reported that there are 1.2 billion youths aged 15-24 years in the world in 2015 and the number is expected to grow to nearly 1.3 billion by 2030. In Africa, the number of youths aged 15 -24 years is 226 million in 2015, this is projected to increase by 42% in 2030. Data sourced from National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on population projections for 2015 puts 37,791,344 people in the 15 -24 years age bracket in Nigeria From Nigeria’s perspective and indeed of the world’s, the Sustainable Development Goals may not be achievable if this crop of population category (youths) are excluded from the scope.
Youth (Definition and Population in Nigeria) People within the age range 15‐24 years (United Nations) People within the age range 18 – 35 years (Nigeria National Youth Policy 2009) 2006 census puts the population of Nigerian youths as 44.5 million (about 32% of the then population of 140 million: 1 in 3 people) 2012 National Baseline Youth Survey (NBYS) puts the youth population as; 64.1 million for age group 15 -35 years. This is about 38% of then population projection figure of 170.2 million in 2012 52.2 million for the age group 18 -35 years. This is about 31% of then population projection figure of 170.2 million in 2012 For the age group 18-35 years, 35,997,309 live in the rural sector compared to 16,186,377 in the urban sector (NBYS 2012) Note: The 2012 National Baseline Youth Survey by the NBS in collaboration with the Federal Ministry for Youth Development used the age bracket of 15 -35 to define youths
Youth (Definition and Population in Nigeria) Figure 2: Percentage Distribution of Youths by Sex for the age group 15-35 years. The percentage for women is higher
Youth (Definition and Population in Nigeria) Figure 3: Percentage Distribution of Youths by Sex for the age group 18-35 years Data is from 2012 National Baseline Youth Survey The percentage for women is higher
Youth (Definition and Population in Nigeria) Figure 4: Distribution of Urban and Rural Youths (18-35 years) What impact does this distribution have on government initiatives or projects?
Youth Condition in Nigeria Majority of Nigerian Youth are unemployed, many resides in conflicts and insurgency affected areas. According to Njoku & Ihugba (2011); “Official figures from the Bureau of Statistics puts the figure of unemployed at 19.70 per cent, about 30 million, but this figure still did not include about 40 million other Nigerian youths captured in World Bank statistics in 2009”. The National Population Commission (2013) states that about half of Nigeria’s population are youths in the age group 15 to 34 years, (Akande 2014). Also according to Akande (2014), as the youth population grows so does unemployment rate in Nigeria and that unemployed youth were about 11.1 million in 2012.
Youth Condition in Nigeria cont’d. Musari (2009) mentioned poor governance and lack of sustainable measures as factors responsible for youth unemployment. “Youth‘s unemployment in Nigeria is a consequence of several factors. One major factor is that of population growth” (Ajufo, 2013) Nigeria needs to understand that its development hinges on the safety and well-being of these teaming youth population.
Responsibilities and Obligations of the Youth in the SDGs Do some research - identify the goal(s) you care most about and promote the implementation of that Goal. Engage one another, your communities, and those in political leadership on the implementation of the Goals (use local languages where possible) The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development pledges to leave no one behind in trying to make the world a better place. No one should be excluded for any reason (gender, ethnicity or religion). SDGsNigeria Action Group (@SDGsNGA on twitter) and partners translated the Goals into 3 main Nigerian languages in order to reach as many Nigerians as possible. The more people are involved, the more likely we achieve the SDGs.
Responsibilities and Obligations of the Youth in the SDGs cont’d. From point 2 -use local languages where possible. SDGs in Hausa
Responsibilities and Obligations of the Youth in the SDGs cont’d. From point 2 -use local languages where possible. SDGs in Igbo
Responsibilities and Obligations of the Youth in the SDGs cont’d. From point 2 -use local languages where possible. SDGs in Yoruba
Responsibilities and Obligations of the Youth in the SDGs cont’d. Ask questions - You can start by asking your local authorities what they know about the Goals. In the event that they know nothing or very little about the Goals, you should assist in educating them. Join advocacy or social action groups- British Council Active Citizens provides the opportunity for you to connect with your communities and globally Use the Goals to hold your leaders accountable Report on the achievement of the Goals in your Community, State and Nigeria.
Obligations of Government to Youths in the SDGs 1. As a matter of urgency, conduct a credible population census Data sourced from the NBS showed estimated population figures to be; 181,403,148 in 2014 and 187,301,926 in 2015 The World Bank puts Nigeria’s population at 177.5 million in 2014 UN Population Division reported Nigeria’s population as 182.2 million in 2015 These numbers poses the question; HOW CAN YOU PLAN FOR WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW? The government has a responsibility to fulfil here which coincidentally is one of the targets of the SDGs. Goal 16, Target 16.9: “By 2030, provide legal identity for all including birth registration”. Caveats: (1)Figures from NBS are estimates. (2)Only the Nigerian Population Commission can provide official population data
Obligations of Government to the Youth on the SDGs cont’d. 2. Develop a national strategy with input from Youths on the Plan of action for the SDGs 3. Commit financial and human resources to the SDGs 4. Delegate government agencies such as the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) as information channels, awareness raising and capacity building for the SDGs 5. Make the SDGs Secretariat accessible and available to Youth for consultation and engagement and, make available SDGs promotional official documents and information 6. Institutions of learning should create opportunities for skills acquisition in partnership with private sector.
Challenges Likely challenges include but are not limited to; Lack of access to information Non-inclusion/ Lack of inclusiveness Lack of knowledgeable human resources Lack of nationwide adoption in Nigeria Lack of implementation of the national strategy on SDGs Lack of verifiable and believable data on SDGs achievement
References & recommended readings National Bureau of Statistics and Federal Ministry of Youth Development: 2012 National Baseline Youth Survey Second National Youth Policy Document of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2009) Nigeria’s Road to the SDGs; Country Transition Strategy (2015) Asoluka C. Njoku and Okezie A. Ihugba (2011): Unemployment and Nigerian Economic Growth (1985-2009) United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division: Population Facts (May 2015)
Thank You Dr Jaliyyah Bello Lecturer in Finance, Coventry University, United Kingdom Email: Twitter: @JaliyyahBello