B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma Di tongo tulun togumũ Nga nembaya'an ku no banar I kootoluod di Tuhan. 5 B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma Oboyĩngaan oku dinõ Gama yo dot momiarã. B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma 2. Ong kiro’on i koobongol ku Om ginawo ku tasawãt. Aaluk dot peensoduon oku Om mangan oku ukumo. B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma Nga nosiãnan yalo dogõn Om notorima oku-ĩ. B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma 3. Ong warot tulun mongoduat, “Siombo i puun do kapasĩ?” Ino-no ot isimbar ku doo, “Aso no wookon arapon: B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma I kosĩanan di Tuhãn Om i kotoluadan yõ.” B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma 4. Kadaay no mangay po tonuso I kosianan nu sid dogõn Gaam po mangay oku owito Sid walay nu sorid surga. B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma Sori õku mangarayõw Di ngaran nu singkole’ẽd. B05 Baya Neeyakow Oku Poma
B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan Meskipun banyak 'ku beraib Melihat itu aku hairan ‘Kan kasih sayang ajaib t'lah Aku tahu karunia Serta memuji rahmat-nya B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan
B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan 2. Jikalau Allah hitung congkak, Dan kekerasan hati ku Tentu 'ku patutlah ditolak, Jauh dari hidup-nya Tetapi lihat sayang-nya, T'lah aku diterima-nya B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan
B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan 3. Jikalau orang lain bertanya, “Di mana pokok s'lamat mu?” Ku jawab: “Sungguh, Itu hanya belas kasihan Tuhan ku” Ku tunduk dengan tak megah, Melain akan rahmat-nya B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan
B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan 4. Ya Tuhan, jangan ambil berkat, Karunia daripada ku Dan pimpin aku sampai tamat, Ke pintu rumah s'lamat mu Di situlah suara ku, Kekal memuji rahmat mu B04M Sudah Ku Dapat Sayang Tuhan
B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein Sure my soul’s anchor may remain, The wounds of Jesus, for my sin Before the world’s foundation slain; Whose mercy shall unshaken stay, When Heaven and earth are fled away. B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein
B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein 2. O Love, Thou bottomless abyss, My sins are swallowed up in Thee! Covered is my unrighteousness, Nor spot of guilt remains on me, While Jesus’ blood, through earth and skies, Mercy, free, boundless mercy, cries. B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein
B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein 3. By faith I plunge me in this sea, Here is my hope, my joy, my rest; Hither, when hell assails, I flee, I look into my Savior’s breast; Away, sad doubt, and anxious fear! Mercy is all that’s written there. B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein
B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein 4. Though waves and storms go o’er my head, Though strength, and health, and friends be gone, Though joys be withered all and dead, Though every comfort be withdrawn, On this my steadfast soul relies, Father, Thy mercy never dies. B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein
B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein 5. Fixed on this ground will I remain, Though my heart fail, and flesh decay; This anchor shall my soul sustain, When earth’s foundations melt away; Mercy’s full power I then shall prove, Loved with an everlasting love. B04E Now I Have Found the Ground Wherein