Terms, Notation, and Representation


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Presentation transcript:

Terms, Notation, and Representation

Point Definition Picture A An exact location in space with indefinite size and shape Point labeled with capital letters A Naming Real World Examples

Line XZ or ZX or the lower case script l Definition Picture An object with no thickness that extends infinitely far in two directions X Z l Line XZ or ZX or the lower case script l Naming Real World Examples

Line Segment Definition Picture a piece of a line consisting of two endpoints and all points in between. E A Line Segment the two points are the endpoints of the line and are used to name the line segment AE or EA Naming Real World Examples

Ray the endpoint of the ray always comes first AE Definition Picture A piece of a line consisting of one endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction A E Ray the endpoint of the ray always comes first AE Naming Real World Examples

Opposite Rays TJ and TI Definition Picture Two rays sharing the same endpoint and continuing infinitely in opposite directions I J T Opposite Rays TJ and TI Naming Real World Examples

Plane a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions Definition Picture a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions M S T R Plane named in two ways with a script capital letter M using any three points that lie in the plane STR Real World Examples Naming

Collinear Points that lie on the same line Definition Picture A B C Points that lie on the same line Collinear Points A, B, and C are collinear Naming Real World Examples

Non-Collinear Points that DON’T lie on the same line Definition Picture A B C Points that DON’T lie on the same line Non-Collinear Points A, B, and C are non-collinear Naming Real World Examples

Coplanar Points that lie on the same plane Definition Picture M S T R Points that lie on the same plane Coplanar Points S, T, and R are coplanar Naming Real World Examples

Non-Coplanar Points that DON’T lie on the same plane B C Definition Picture Points that DON’T lie on the same plane Non-Coplanar Points A, B, and C are non-coplanar Naming Real World Examples

Skew Lines Lines that do not intersect and are not coplanar. Definition Picture n Lines that do not intersect and are not coplanar. m Skew Lines Lines m and n are skew lines. Naming Real World Examples