Term Review Kate Moody Brayden Davis Bailey Johnson Jessica Frederickson Kuninda Kaur
Quotas The quota for immigrants entering the U.S. was set at 2% of the total of any given nation’s residents in the U.S. as reported in the 1890 census. After July 1, 1927, the 2% rule was replaced by an overall cap of 150,000 immigrants annually and quotas determined by “national origins” as revealed in the 1920’s census. College students, professors, and ministers were exempt from the quotas.
National Origins Act of 1924 One of the laws that established the Quota System Set up a simple formula: the number of immigrants of a given nationality each year could not exceed 2% of the number of people of that nationality First time immigration was limited
Nativism Rise of nativism was caused mainly by immigration. The population was scared of immigrants, they didn’t want them to take their jobs, but there were so many new jobs available that is was inevitable This was important because the population became very judgmental and not excepting of the immigrants.
Red Scare The fear that communists were working to destroy the American way by plotting revolution within the United States. The Soviet Union had emerged as a communist nation in 1922. Reaction against labor in the U.S. spurred fear of communism. Communist ideology called for international worker’s revolution to destroy capitalism Soviet Leader Vladmir Lenin supported other country revolutions. U.S. government officials had discovered mail bombs.
Palmer Raids Series of raids in which the police arrested thousands of people, some who were radical, and some who were simply southern or eastern European immigrants. Response to the Red Scare. Began by the law enforcement official Palmer. To many these actions seemed to violate American liberties. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) formed in 1920.
Ku Klux Klan Three distinct past and present far-right organizations in the United States Hate group by Anti-Deformation League and Southern Poverty Law Nationwide