Getting Started with Application Software Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
What’s Inside and on the CD? In this chapter, you will: Look at common features found in most Windows applications Gain a foundation for working with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access Apply this material to working with a browser and e-mail Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I start and exit Windows applications? Before you start Computer should be on Start button should be displayed at bottom of screen Close all programs When you are finished using, to free up memory Before initiating shut down procedures Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I start and exit Windows applications? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I start and exit Windows applications? Cont’d. When you install a new program It is added to the All Programs menu To start, click its name Start menu options symbol represents multiple programs When you click one of the options, a list is displayed Click program you want to start Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I start and exit Windows applications? Cont’d. Some programs are represented by an icon on Windows desktop as well Double-click to use these icons To close a program Click Close button Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
What are the components of an application window? An open program is displayed in a rectangular application window on the Windows desktop Title bar displays: Name of program Name of open file Minimizing, maximizing, and closing buttons Menu bar – provides access to commands for controlling program Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
What are the components of an application window? Cont’d. Toolbar – contains small pictures to use as shortcuts Ribbon – provides access to commands and options Insert tab Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
What are the components of an application window? Cont’d. Status bar contains information about current status of program Current page number Zoom level Web page address Side scroll bar moves text or graphic up or down in window Horizontal scroll bar scrolls documents from side to side Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
What are the components of an application window? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I switch between application windows? Open application windows are represented by buttons on taskbar Clicking one of these buttons brings it to front of desktop An active window’s taskbar button is depressed Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I switch between application windows? Cont’d. Click any visible part of hidden window to make it active If window is minimized, click program button on taskbar to restore it When multiple data files are open, click the Switch Windows command from the Windows group on the View tab to see a list of open files Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I switch between application windows? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do menus and toolbars work? Most applications include menu bar A menu bar provides access to all features of program Most application windows display one or more toolbars, typically located below the menu bar near the top of the window Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do menus and toolbars work? Cont’d. To close menu, click menu title or press Esc For fast menu access, hold Alt key and press underlined letter Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do menus and toolbars work? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How does the ribbon work? The ribbon replaces the menu bar in Microsoft Office 2007 Divided into a hierarchy consisting of tabs, groups, and commands Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How does the ribbon work? Cont’d. Microsoft Office button leads to many of the commands that previously existed on the File menu Quick Access Toolbar contains commands that you use regularly Contextual tabs appear when an object is selected Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How does the ribbon work? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1 How do I open a file? Data is stored in files on disks and CDs in computer system Files are referred to in different ways, e.g.: A Microsoft Word file is called a document, while a PowerPoint file is called a presentation Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I open a file? Cont’d. There are several ways to open file: Use Recent Items option on Start menu to view list of recently saved files Double-click file shortcut icon if one exists on windows desktop Double-click file name from within Windows Explorer Use Open dialog box provided by application Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I open a file? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1 How do I save a file? When you create a file, you must save it to use it in future When first saved, drive letter, folder, and file name must be specified A file extension is automatically assigned to indicate file type Clicking Save button automatically stores file using original name or brings up dialog box If you want to save file in different location, or as modified file, click Save As dialog box and rename File names cannot be duplicated in particular folder Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I save a file? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I save a file? Cont’d. Many programs automatically save in the Documents folder Some programs save to directory used in last Save operation Save to any storage device connected to your computer Hard disk drive Floppy disk drive CD drive USB flash drive You may save to network or Internet server with permission Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I save a file? Cont’d. The file extension is separated from file name by (.) period. Windows will automatically add appropriate extension File name extension is associated with particular file format Change extension by using Save As type Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I save a file? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I access help for an application? Access help from variety of sources General questions on software use can be answered by on–screen Help windows Additional help from user manual, CD, or third party books Check on-line user groups or publisher’s Web sites Contact your organization’s Help desk for work-related procedures Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I access help for an application? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I access help for an application? Cont’d. Electronic user manual can be accessed by clicking the Microsoft Office Help button The Help window remains on the desktop until you click its Close button Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1
How do I access help for an application? Cont’d. Practical Office 2007 Chapter 1