Created by:ISMAYIL ASADOV Nowadays there are many problems in our world.I wrote this slide about ecology problems and other problems of our planet.So let us start!!!
1. Air pollution First problem is air pollution 1.Air pollution First problem is air pollution.We know nowadays there are many factories.The factories,cars,ships pollute air.But some people do not pay attention to it.It is very bad.This is bad for us too.So the Ozone Layer injury.It is make global warning.And it is make cancer with help of ultra-violet rays.Even people do not grow plant.When our people start to plant the oxygen gas shall accrue.So people use special tecnologies to clean the weather and factories do not expel bad gases.
2. Water pollution Second problem of our planet is water pollution 2.Water pollution Second problem of our planet is water pollution.Many countries do oil extraction.And the oil pollute the water.So the fish die.Ex:Saudia Arabia,Azerbaijan etc.It is bad for the countries and our world.It is bad for this countries nature and economy.Because water pollution extinction the animals nd plants.Even that countries cannot use caviar.Some babies drink this duty water.And they be sick very very bad.So duty water pollute rivers,lakes,a part of seas and oceans.We can use modern tecnologies for save fish,water world and childern.But somebody do irresponsibility. Save our rivers,lakes and seas.Some people pollute water with bottles,paper etc.I think our country penalize such mans.
So we start to learn about other ecological problems So we start to learn about other ecological problems.The ecological problems make by us.Example:Some people go to the forest for picnic.They eat and drink there.But when they go,they pollute the forest. They throw away glasses.The sun shines keep warm the glasses and be a forest fires. And somes are smoking and throw it.So a lot of tree burn.It is bad for animals too.In forest fires some animals die,but somes be homeless.Baby animals lose their families.Why we must do it?!
We say forest fires. So people cut trees for make papers We say forest fires.So people cut trees for make papers.Everyday cut 11 million ha forest in the world.But people plant trees about 1 million.In end of 80 years cut a half of British forests.The knowledge men say in year 2030 humans cut half of AMAZON RAINFOREST.
TRASH Ecology men says everyday everybody make 0. 5 kilogram trash TRASH Ecology men says everyday everybody make 0.5 kilogram trash.It means one person make 182.5 kilogram trash for a year.The papers become broken is about 10 years,canning jar is about 90 years,plastics is about 500 years and glass is about 1000 years(10 century).We can reduce reuse recycle.It have to save nature and have not a lot of trash.
ANIMALS AND PLANTS In ends of 50 years the animals diminish about 33% ANIMALS AND PLANTS In ends of 50 years the animals diminish about 33%.In ends of 20 years about 17 thausand animals cut generation.Every year 30 thausand lively perish.Even Aralig Sea perish part 1/3.From 1970 year wild animals and plants go under about 25-30%.Everyyear people hunt 1% animals.Ecologs do not advise eat fish.Because nowadays there are many damaged items.So there are damaged items on fish too.
GLOBAL WARMİNG I write a little Global warming GLOBAL WARMİNG I write a little Global warming.In XIX sentury the themperature above 0.1 degrees.In XX sentury it aboves 0.3 degrees.In year 2004 it aboves 0.5 degrees.The themperature aboves everytime.It is Global warming.Global warming fuse the icebergs. Global warming also resolve ground.So the ground solftens.İt is bad for growing.Even the end of fuse icebergs shall be flood and others.The knowledge men say global warming can go under the Tuvalu island.
Now I want to speak about what can we solve this problems Now I want to speak about what can we solve this problems.I think It is interesting for everybody.When people do these our world not in dangerous.
I think we shall save our country. But somes do not want it I think we shall save our country.But somes do not want it.İt is against for them.We can use cars with special apparatus.Or our country can produce car which work with sun energy.It can save our weather.We can plant many trees.It is best for us.When we plant trees we do goodness for us too.