Money What is money?
What Lead Us Here
What Lead Us Here Gold Coin and Gold Bullion Standards
What Lead Us Here Bretton Woods System U.S. dollar fixed to Gold Other Nations currency fixed to U.S. Dollar Set up IMF and IBRD (Now World Bank)to hold currencies, maintain ratios and make loans
What Lead Us Here Nixon eliminates U.S. gold standard
Purpose of IMF
Purpose of IMF To promote exchange rate stability
Purpose of IMF To facilitate the international flow of currencies and hence the balanced growth of international trade
Purpose of IMF To promote international monetary cooperation
Purpose of IMF To establish a multilateral system of payments
Purpose of IMF To make resources (SDRs plus technical help) available to member nations experiencing balance-of-payments difficulties
Special Drawing Rights The value of the SDR is based upon the weighted average of a basket of four currencies. Weights for 2011-2015 U.S. dollar 42% Euro 37% Japanese yen 19% British pound 11%
Central Banks
Central Banks Set policies for currency manipulation
Central Banks Buy and Sell currencies to try and affect value
Central Banks Hold reserves in Gold, SDR or other currencies
Exchange Rate Types
Exchange Rate Types Free Floating
Exchange Rate Types Pegged
Exchange Rate Types Banded Peg
Exchange Rate Types Non Convertible
$US as a World Currency
$US as a World Currency 85% of all currency exchanges have the $US as half the transaction
$US as a World Currency $ is a reserve currency held by many central banks
$US as a World Currency $ is investment currency in many capital markets
$US as a World Currency $ is a transaction currency in many international commodity markets