Commas English Bellwork
English Bellwork- Monday, September 25 Directions: Write out ONE of the sentences. Then, create a rule about commas based on these sentences. 1. Yes, I offered to take care of her canary this weekend. 2. From where we sat, the stage seemed big. 3. To be honest, I’d rather go swimming. 4. Obviously, swimming is more fun than attending a meeting.
English Bellwork- Tuesday, September 26 Directions: Write out ONE of the sentences. Then, create a rule about commas based on these sentences. 1. The Saint Lawrence Seaway allows travel between the Great Lakes, the Atlantic Ocean, and Canadian rivers. 2. The Seaway provides a deep, stable, and wide waterway. 3. The cargo shipments are largely wheat, corn, barley, soybeans, and iron.
Ted Talk: Oxford Comma 1. Where is the Oxford comma most prevalently used? A. United States C. United Kingdom B. Russia D. Canada 2. Which of the following are arguments against using the comma? A. You shouldn't use commas B. Its superfluous (unnecessary because of the conjunction) C. You should use a conjunction 3. In which of the following fields is the extra space taken up by an Oxford comma a problem? A. law B. fiction writing C. journalism D. grammar textbooks 4. What is the common wisdom for the comma’s usage? A. required B. optional C. never use it 5. Which of the following institutions does not support the comma’s usage? A. MLA B. Chicago C. US Government D. Oxford U. Press
English Bellwork- Wednesday, September 27 Directions: Write out ONE of the sentences. Then, create a rule about commas based on these sentences. 1. Three of the five sections are located in Canada, and the other two sections contain segments in New York. 2. Construction ended in 1959, and the Seaway had seven locks. 3. Niagara Falls is famous, but it is not well known that it is made up of two waterfalls.
English Bellwork- Thursday, September 28 Directions: Write out ONE of the sentences. Then, create a rule about commas based on these sentences. 1. The Saint Lawrence Seaway, a major waterway, allows ocean-going vessels to travel between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. 2. Horseshoe Falls, a 176 foot high waterfall, is located on the Canadian side of the Niagara River. 3. An island, Goat Island in NY, separates the two falls of Niagara.
English Bellwork- Friday, September 29 Directions: Create a sentence using a comma to SHOW each of these four comma rules. 1. Use commas before conjunctions that join independent clauses. 2. Use commas between lists or descriptions. 3. Use commas to off set introductions or interruptions. 4. Use commas to off set nouns and noun phrases that describe.