Sixpence Assessment Collection
Sixpence Program Staff Roles Sixpence Program Staff Roles Key responsibilities may be 4 different persons or one for all Program Director – Responsible for all Sixpence program level data submissions to the Sixpence team (for example staff changes, a change in email or mailing addresses). Updates should be sent using the program data form as soon as they occur. Email to Lisa Alvarez AND Stephanni Renn Responsible for verification of Rosters and Data Checklist List. Must sign off on data checklist before returned to MMI each evaluation period Data Manager - Evaluation Packets, Data Checklist Report, flash drives, KIPs uploads to the Box,PPVT and parent and summary reports. All mailings will be sent to Data Manager who is responsible for dissemination and submission Program Data Entry Designee – Person who will be sent the log on credentials for the website. This person will be responsible to ensuring that the program roster is up to date at all times, rosters for verification will be sent to this person and the program director. Roster transfer requests will be submitted by data entry designee with input and approval from home visitors and/or classroom teachers of child and/or family Home Visitor or Classroom Teacher – Responsible for communicating roster additions and updates to data entry designee, completing all assessments with children and families and submitting them to data expert/manager
Program Director Email to Lisa Alvarez and Responsible for all Sixpence program level data submissions to the Sixpence team (for example staff changes, a change in email or mailing addresses) Updates should be sent using the program data form as soon as they occur Email to Lisa Alvarez and Stephanni Renn Responsible for verification of Rosters and Data Checklist List Must sign off on data checklist before returned to MMI each evaluation period
Data Manager Evaluation Packets (mailed to data manager at address provided on program information sheet) Data Checklist Report Box Uploads (KIPs and HOVRs) Ensuring that all assessments are completed and returned, including any electronic assessments or submissions All mailings will be sent to Data Manager( fall/spring data packets, parent letters, kips reports)
Data Entry Designee Person who will be sent the log on credentials for the website This person will be responsible to ensuring that the program roster is up to date at all times rosters for verification will be sent to this person and the program director Roster transfer requests will be submitted by data entry designee with input and approval from home visitors and/or classroom teachers of child and/or family
Home Visitor or Classroom Teacher Responsible for – communicating roster additions and updates to data entry designee completing all assessments with children and families and submitting them to data manager
Program Information Sheet
Sixpence Consent Form Found on page 11 of the Evaluation Guidebook – current version is available on the website under the Documents tab Needed for all children for whom intakes are completed Not needed for unborn intakes Scan completed signed form and email to Can be mailed if electronic submission is not possible Best practice is to submit at the time of intake Reports of any child without record of a consent form at MMI are sent out in the Fall and Spring
Authorization for Sharing Information(consent form)
Assessment Collection FALL SPRING TS Gold Checkpoint (by October 31) TS Gold Checkpoint (by May 31) DECA assessments FRIENDS-PFS(New Sixpence Families only) FRIENDS-PFS(Only families that completed fall) DAY-C(8months and older English speaking) DAY-C(8 months and older English Speaking) OR MacArthur LI/LII(IF Spanish speaking and 8m-30m) KIPS(Home based only) Fall Checklist Report Spring Checklist Report Family Outcomes Survey Parent Survey At Birth When child turns 3 Prenatal Survey(Home Visitor will complete with family and send to MMI) PPVT(MMI will coordinate assessment)
Data Collection Memo(included in packet)
Data Checklist(included in packet)
Spring Checklist Report(included in packet)
Checklist Report Lists children in program Contact Lisa Alvarez at if you find any errors or have questions. Assessments are based on service type and age of child Make copies as needed Check off each assessment completed for child Return report(or copy) to MMI with items checked off Note any changes on the report, for example child exited, family opted out of particular assessment, gender or birthdate needs correction
Family Survey Survey completed during Spring assessment collection
Family Outcomes Survey
KIPS Videotape parents in 6 to 8 minute parent-child interaction Make sure there is no background noise Only one video per family is needed, please note on checklist if KIPS is under sibling’s name, record the oldest child
KIPS Upload Record kips Videos Upload videos to the Box See detailed direction sheet(sent via email to Data Manager) Open fillable pdf Kipsvideolistv1.pdf (sent via email to Data Manager) Video Upload Naming - Site name (ex. Site), teacher/home visitor (ex. HomeVisitor), child last name (ex.LastName), child first name (ex. FirstName) Example: SiteHomeVisitorLastNameFirstName
Kips Video List(mandatory email
Kips List(mandatory) Complete form, include program name, child’s name(matching video upload name), home visitor’s name and language used in video(English or Spanish) Save completed form to your computer Email completed form to
DECA Complete DECA assessments on the website Obtain sign on credentials from Lisa Alvarez DECA assessments are based on child’s age, determined by birthdate on intake record Contact Lisa Alvarez if birthdate is not correct on e-deca site DO NOT return paper copies of DECAs to MMI – ALL assessments must be entered on the e-deca site!!
PPVT Completed when child is 3 years old Coordinated by MMI
DAY-C Collected Fall and Spring All children whose primary language is English And are 8 months or older
MacArthur LI and LII (Spanish)Age 8m-30m Collected Fall and Spring Collected instead of DAY-C for children whose first and primary language is Spanish is based on Child’s age at time of assessment period Level I – 8months to 18 months Level II – 19months to 30 months
Spring Dates March 8 to April 12 No later than April 12 Online data must be entered or uploaded Data must be postmarked