Getting a better deal for Developing Countries. Fair Trade Getting a better deal for Developing Countries.
What Fair Trade products can you think of?
What is Fair Trade? “Fairtrade is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Its purpose is to create opportunities for producers and workers who have been economically disadvantaged or marginalized by the conventional trading system. If fair access to markets under better trade conditions would help them to overcome barriers to development, they can join Fairtrade.”
What is Fair Trade? Fairtrade is a tool for development that ensures disadvantaged farmers and workers in developing countries get a better deal through the use of the international FAIRTRADE Mark. It makes sure these farmers and producers see more of the money involved in the trade of their product.
How does Fair Trade Help Fair wages for workers Fair Trade Terms Decent Working Conditions Guaranteed prices and Long term Contracts
Popularity of Fair Trade. The popularity of Fair Trade is growing fast. The UK is the biggest buyer of Fair Trade products in the world.
Activities Activities 4,6+7 from the Geoactive sheets. 15 mins.
Case Study: Fair Trade in Fashion. We are going to look at a case study at Fair Trade in Fashion. How much do you know? Where have your clothes come from? Do you ever look to see the country of origin when buying clothes? Would you buy clothes even if you knew the person making them was getting paid very little?
We are going to look at a Fair Trade Video on Fashion. We will be focusing on a company called “People Tree”. They make clothes from fair trade workshops in developing countries. Questions to answer while watching: What does fair trade mean to the people working making the clothes? What would life be like if they did not have fair trade?