Continuing and Distance Education Introductory Psychology 1023 Lecture 8: Stress and Health Reading: Chapter 16
Stress Stressors are situations or events that threaten or challenge us Driving across town is easy; doing it in half the normal time is not Stressors can be negative (distress) or positive (eustress) Positive stress can be a problem
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Stressor Homeostasis Resources, Resistance Base line Alarm Resistance Exhaustion Time
Stages Alarm: Fight or flight response Resistance Adrenaline rush, energy, corticosteroids (clotting) Resistance Energy used but not as rapidly, immune response Exhaustion: Body cannot fight Infections, illness, sores
Cognitive Appraisal Threats have a cognitive component “challenge” vs. a “crisis” Primary appraisal: How threatening is something e.g., sharp pain in head Secondary appraisal: Coping Problem, emotion, and avoidance-oriented coping
Type A Type B Need for achievement Time urgency Elevated feelings of anger and hostility Little pleasure, “racing the clock” Low levels of competitiveness No time urgency Little anger and hostility More easy-going and relaxed about life
Assessment Jenkins Activity Survey Physiological indices Self-report questionnaire “When you listen to other people talking, do you wish they would hurry up and say what they have to say” Physiological indices Elevated arousal doing math questions when told it is a race
Stress Response Stress is seen as a threat Elevated arousal, tissue damage, heart disease Type A Person Evidence supporting this relation focuses on anger and hostility Why? Type A person’s seek competitive environments and then react badly to the competition.
Stress Management Relaxation skills for stress Biofeedback Social support Reappraisal: What is a “challenge” Health crisis can cause dramatic change in behavior Healthy lifestyle
Pain Management Relaxation, meditation Massage and contact comfort Exercise Analgesics Acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Example: Child birth classes teach pain management
Health Psychology Maintenance of wellness Prevention of illness Lifestyle, keeping people active Prevention of illness AIDS-risk Alcohol and other drug problems Dealing with health problems Pain, medical regimen compliance Detox, transplants