Health and Safety Information Wellington Campus 2017
Keeping yourself safe LOOK AFTER YOURSELF - CHECK IN CHECK OUT - Studying/working alone, let someone or Campus Security know Campus Security on 0800 6277 50 or 027 496 3681 When dark, stick to lit areas with other people LOOK AFTER EVERYONE– Only authorised people in buildings after hours, All should have their own access card Keep your ID card with you at all times Do not prop doors open LOOK AFTER YOUR STUFF– Never leave your valuables unattended
For an ambulance, make 2 phone calls: Injury Reporting If you injure yourself, it must be reported (including near misses). Report to who ever is in charge: Why – so that the issue can be investigated to prevent similar injuries For an ambulance, make 2 phone calls: Call 111 – state clearly your location Call Security on ext 63333 or 0800 6277 50 Security will attend and/or escort the ambulance
Wellington Campus is Proud to be Smoke Free Smoke Free Policy Wellington Campus is Proud to be Smoke Free smoking is NOT permitted anywhere on campus You need to leave the campus grounds to smoke. This includes e cigarettes and vaping No smoking in private cars Want to Quit : For free advice and support phone: Quitline 0800 778 778 MU Medical Centre (Students) 04 979 3030 to quit
Preparing for an Emergency Know the campus Emergency Procedures as per flipcharts in your room (violent offender, Storm, Bomb threat ) Know where the Assembly area is for each block you are in Know the location of the nearest fire alarm call point Know where to find a first aider and a First Aid kit
Emergency Evacuation When you hear a fire alarm: Immediately leave the building via the nearest safe exit Take your keys and purse/wallet with you Assemble at emergency assembly area Look out for these signs for more info Follow instructions from building wardens Wardens wear fluorescent vests Keep out of building until ‘all clear’ is given from the building warden Walk, don’t run Follow the exit signs Merge like a zip DO NOT use lifts DO NOT go back inside the building (for any reason) Proceed to the assembly area and remain there until the all clear is given Always follow the instructions give by Staff and Emergency Wardens
Earthquake Earthquake DROP, COVER & HOLD If inside stay inside (Stay away from anything that could fall on you) Don’t leave until shaking stops. If trapped in a lift activate control panel, stay calm, wait for assistance If outside: move to an open space away from power lines, streetlights and 1.5 x the height away from any buildings. AFTER an earthquake, follow the directions of Staff & Wardens What to do in an Earthquake. DROP, COVER & HOLD If inside stay inside (Move away from windows or from anything that could fall on you) If trapped in a lift activate the alarm on the control panel, stay calm, wait for assistance Assess surroundings before you evacuate a building it could be safer inside Don’t leave until well after shaking stops. Don’t use lifts Take your orange back pack, keys, personal items and valuables with you if it is safe to do so Assembly points for earthquakes are different than for fire assembly. They need to be in wide open areas, approximately 1.5x the height of the closest and tallest building, distance away. The carpark outside Tussock is one such area. If outside: Drop , cover, hold, move to an open space away from buildings, power lines, streetlights. DO not go back inside any buildings. AFTER an earthquake, follow the directions of Staff & Wardens Day to day preparedness Tips take your keys, phone and personal items with you when you leave your office at all times carry cash on you (eftpos may be down) ensure fuel in your car is as full as possible be prepared at home and work (plan to have food and water for 3 days at work) Ensure you have a plan in place for your family – know where you will meet, how you will contact each other keep important phone numbers written down – not just on your phone arrange who can feed your pets if you can’t make it home for a couple of days etc. Other information on how to get ready Get ready thru website – how to prepare you and your family Wellington Region Emergency Management Office geonet Wellington City Council Psychosocial help You can find more extremely useful resources at: Mental Health Foundation Earthquake Page - excellent information also information for parents
Stay In Touch Communication in Emergency Massey home page Massey Facebook and or twitter The free Ping App - Download now from apple store or playstore For further information contact : Jo Fox Campus Health, Safety and Emergency Management Advisor ex 63441
Student Advocacy MAWSA MAWSA – your students association are : represented on Campus Health & Safety and Emergency Management Committees CLASS ADVOCATES WANTED Support your classmates Be the bridge between staff and students Help MAWSA be the student voice Interested ? contact your lecturer or