MyLifeBits-MapPoint & Google Earth Integration of GPS Annotated Photos for Automatic Digital Diaries using location. Gordon Bell 9 February 2007
The Location Based Digital Diary Using MyLifeBits-MapPoint & Google Earth 3 MyLifeBits-MapPoint Integration c2004 showing GPS trips, trip replays, location retrieval, and ability to drag and drop photos on a map to add lat-lon meta-data. See Gemmell’s Technical Report MSR-TR-2004-102 4-7 MyLifeBits-MapPoint-Ricoh GPS Camera integration and use. Retrieve by trip track or view to find location where picture was taken? 8-10 Google Earth views of harbor sail and walk with Ricoh. System replays as with MyLifeBits including photo access by icons on the image 11+ To come… GeoVector phones introduced in Japan 2006, Enables identify of landmark, stores, etc. by pointing with GPS-Compass equipped phone for diaries and ads. Note GPS and Compass are BOTH Needed
GeoVector Camera and Cellphones In Japan in 2006 To enter US in 2007-2008