Week 1: Handshake & Heartbreak www.madaboutmattering.com Week 1: Handshake & Heartbreak Today’s hosts: Lead Teacher, Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher (Westwood Schools), Lisa Durff @mrsdurff, Admin Alefiya Bhatia, Crescerance / MAD Learn As you enter the room: Check your sound (Click on up arrow, choose Audio options, click “Test Audio” UNDER the Red button, follow onscreen instructions.”G) roup Share • Even if you’re not totally sure you’re going to join us, let’s have an exchange - share a picture or blog post about your classroom or work in the chat as you enter. Tell everyone your grade and where you are located.
–Guiding Question MAD about Mattering Project www.madaboutmattering.com “What breaks your heart and how can you use that heartbreak to develop an app that matters to our world?” –Guiding Question MAD about Mattering Project
Mad About Matterinwwgw.madaboutmattering.com Website & Where We’ll be Blogging: www.madaboutmattering.com Teacher Document: http://bit.ly/mad-matter Give your Skype handle to Lisa Durff for the Skype chat group. Wiki (including timeline) http://madaboutmattering.wikispaces.com Hashtag: #appsthatmatter Schools http://madaboutmattering.wikispaces.com/Schools Calendar: http://madaboutmattering.wikispaces.com/Calendar Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mad-about- mattering
Today’s Agenda Each Teacher Gives Update What Is Happening Now www.madaboutmattering.com Each Teacher Gives Update What Is Happening Now http://madaboutmattering.wikispaces.com/ Handshake+and+Heartbreak+Mapping A quick run through the website. Timeline
Let’s introduce ourswewwl.mvadeabosutmattering.com Go around the room Share: Who you are How long you’ve been teaching The grade you’re teaching Why you're participating in this project One unique thing about you What you hope to get out of this project.
Timeline Classroom and Student Handshake: February 8-19 www.madaboutmattering.com Classroom and Student Handshake: February 8-19 Wiki Editing and sharing of heartbreaks: February 19-28 Non Participating classrooms removed from project: February 23
1. Have you added info to schools page www.madaboutmattering.com 1. Have you added info to schools page
2. School Greeting Pwawwg.maedaboutmattering.com Have you started your school greeting page ?
A sample greeting pwawwg.maedaboutmattering.com
Add to class times cwawwl.emandabdoutmaattrering.com
Figuring out meet uwpww.madaboutmattering.com
Procedures for Meetwuww.pmadaboutmattering.com
Up Next Heartbreak Mapping Procedures are on wiki www.madaboutmattering.com Heartbreak Mapping Procedures are on wiki Are you ready for me to go over it here? Keynote (being recorded Wednesday)
After mapping We hope to be blogging next week www.madaboutmattering.com We hope to be blogging next week Crescerance is releasing some updates this week!
Mad About Matterinwwgw.madaboutmattering.com Website & Where We’ll be Blogging: www.madaboutmattering.com Teacher Document: http://bit.ly/mad-matter Give your Skype handle to Lisa Durff for the Skype chat group. Wiki (including timeline) http://madaboutmattering.wikispaces.com Hashtag: #appsthatmatter Schools http://madaboutmattering.wikispaces.com/Schools Calendar: http://madaboutmattering.wikispaces.com/Calendar Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mad-about- mattering
February Activities Handshakes Map Your Heartbreak http://www.angelamaiers.com/2013/11/ heartbreak-mapping-in-action/ p 61-62 in Classroom habitudes by Angela Maiers Keynote by Angela Maiers Students blog and share
One of our secrets of success is thewwwwe.meakdlaybotuetmaactthereinrg.com meetings! Recorded and sent to all teachers Expect to have them weekly for the first 5-6 weeks and then as needed (usually bi-weekly) When you don’t attend in person respond via the Google group. Make sure you read your email! Communication is key
Meet your lead learners Alefiya Bhatia Angela Maiers Vicki Davis Meet your lead learners MAD about Mattering Project