Visual and Performing Arts Standards Revision Update Tom Adams, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Creativity at the Core Summer Institute, July 26, 2017 Santa Clara County Office of Education
VAPA Standards Timeline CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VAPA Standards Timeline This chart shows the roles of the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC), the State Board of Education (SBE), and the Public, and the major steps in the revision process. All meetings are open to the public. Focus Group Meetings Held to Solicit Input From the Public on the Standards Revision, January, 2017 IQC Reviews Focus Group Report & Recommends Guidelines for Revision of the SBE, September 2017 Recruitment of Standards Advisory Committee (SAC) Members*, September–October, 2017 SBE Appoints SAC January, 2018 SAC Meeting, February 13—14, 2018 SAC Meeting March 7–8 , 2018 SAC Meeting April 4–5, 2018 SAC Meeting May 3–4 , 2018 The Standards Advisory Committee (SAC) Application will be posted after it is approved at the State Board meeting, Sept. 13-14 The application recruitment period is Sept. 15 - October 30, 2017 Standards posted for 60-Day Field Review, August–September, 2018 IQC Analyzes Field Review Results; Recommends Revisions to SBE, November, 2018 IQC Reviews Draft Standards; IQC & SSPI approves draft, July, 2018 SBE Acts on IQC's Recommendation to Adopt Revised Standards, January, 2019 *The Standards Advisory Committee (SAC) Application will be posted after it is approved at the State Board meeting, Sept. 13-14. The application recruitment period is Sept. 15 - October 30, 2017
AB 37 – Media Arts “The Superintendent, in consultation with the Instructional Quality Commission, shall recommend to the state board revisions to the visual and performing arts content standards in the subjects of dance, theater, music, and visual arts adopted by the state board pursuant to Section 60605.1, and shall recommend visual and performing arts standards in the subject of media arts.” Enrolled July 6, 2017
Language from AB 37 “Media arts education is particularly relevant to young people as it reflects the multimedia world they experience and empowers them to engage in self-directed forms of inquiry, expression, and creativity.” “The study of media arts enables pupils to gain critical literacy in media, technology, and digital culture essential to becoming informed, discerning, and engaged citizens.” “Media arts pupils are well prepared for careers in the creative industry in California, which produced approximately $375 billion in economic value in 2014 and directly employed over 700,000 people.” Some language from the bill
“Media arts is the study and practice of human communication through photography, film or video, audio, computer or digital arts, and interactive media. Students exploring this category of art creatively structure the elements of space, time, light, motion, color and sound to express their perspectives, feelings and ideas. They learn to critically interpret and evaluate media within aesthetic, cultural and historical contexts.” Source: Minnesota Media Arts Standards With a partner, consider this definition of Media Arts. How do you see this fitting in to instruction?