Homeless/Day Center Proposal
Point in Time Count Location Sheltered Unsheltered Total Daytona 246 333 579 DeLand 54 70 124 Orange City 9 Deltona 35 DeBary 3 Volusia Total 368 533 901 West Volusia 127 181
Neighborhood Center People Served by Jurisdiction City People Served Percentage DeBary 270 2% DeLand 7,351 68% Deltona 1,799 17% Lake Helen 105 1% Orange City 1,011 9% Barberville, Pierson, Seville 290 3%
Neighborhood Center Shelter Services Crisis Shelter for 10 individuals. Transitional housing for 60 up to 1 year. PSH for 70 up to 1 year. Homeless prevention assistance via Emergency Solutions Grant. Rapid Rehousing Grant for West Volusia https://player.vimeo.com/video/159162147 ?wmode=opaque
Neighborhood Center Current Plans Construct new Thrift Store on Woodland Boulevard. Existing Admin Building – 6 more Crisis Shelter Beds. Existing Thrift Store – 14 Crisis Shelter Beds. Total Crisis Shelter Beds = 30 Complete by March 2017
Recommendations of Ray Salazar, Randy Croy, & Chet Bell Treat all individuals, families and children experiencing homelessness with respect and dignity and ensure that their civil rights are protected. Support and collaborate with law enforcement in identifying offenders preying upon homeless individuals for referral to the criminal justice system. Develop crisis response shelters for homeless in East and West Volusia – approximately 100 beds in East and 40-50 in West. Develop a comprehensive day program for homeless individuals in both East and West Volusia Support Expansion of Travelers Aid Program.
Recommendations of Ray Salazar, Randy Croy, & Chet Bell Support the Commission on Homelessness as the area’s primary resource for recommending homeless strategies and the optimal appropriations of fiscal resources. Support funding for a professional staff position to assist the volunteer governing Board. Extend the support and expanded operations of the Salvation Army until an East Volusia alternative shelter site is operational. Volusia County joins east side cities in sharing operational costs. Volusia County retains commitment of $4 m for capital outlay funding and utilizes any funds remaining after shelter site developments to invest in PSH.
Current System of Referral
Coordinated Entry Using HMIS & 211
Commission on Homeless Focus Group 92 Surveys Completed. 69% Indicated they would go if shelter is available. 95% Indicated they would stay at shelter if day services were available. 68% Ranked location as important. 64% Ranked close to city (walking distance) as important . 70% Ranked bus access as important.
Shelter/Day Center Proposal Construct 5,000 sf facility at 224 S. Florida Avenue. Includes 20 Crisis Shelter Beds and Day Center. Facility will include meeting rooms, kitchen, laundry, showers, and outdoor pavillions.
224 South Florida Avenue
Concept Site Plan
Multi-purpose Bunk Room Laundry Computer Room Kitchen Bath/Shower
Construction Costs Sitework $140,000 Building and Pavilions $815,000 (Permitting, Clearing, Drainage, Paving, Sidewalks, Landscaping, Lighting) $140,000 Building and Pavilions (Architectural Design, Construction of Crisis Shelter & Day Center, Pavilions, Permits and Impact Fees) $815,000 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment $100,000 Project Contingency $75,000 Total Costs $1,130,000
Center Includes Coordinated Entry Case Management Job Counseling Meals (BLD) Mental Health Counseling and/or Referral Medical Referral Haircuts Showers Laundry Goal – Housing within 30-90 days.
Operating Costs Line Item Amount Salaries $157,968 Facilities $91,200 Vehicle $10,000 Client Care $35,000 Shelter Admin $21,500 Total Costs $315,668
Volunteer Opportunities Check In Food Collection, Meal Preparation, and Serving Transportation Coordination Dormitory Preparation Inventory Management Childcare Classes
Rationale Provides a viable solution to systematically address homelessness in West Volusia. Collaborative effort that integrates and maximizes resources. Ties in with Strategies of the Commission on Homelessness (Coordinated Entry, Housing First) Follows Recommendations of Ray Salazar, Randy Croy, & Chet Bell (1,3,4,5,6) Meets Key Components Needed for Solution Access to Services Access to Jobs Access to Transportation Daytime Element (Chronic) Run by an Agency that has proven track record
Next Steps Preliminary/Contingent Approval from Volusia County Council for Construction Funding. Finalize commitments from funding/ volunteer partners. Cities Corporate Grants Churches Mainstreet DeLand Notification to County that funding is committed. Proceed with design and construction.