Developing a 'Personal Learning Network‘ Darcy Moore Web 2.0 and 'PLNs‘ Developing a 'Personal Learning Network‘ Darcy Moore
"We teach others by teaching ourselves anew." (Garth Boomer) Learning is personal! "We teach others by teaching ourselves anew." (Garth Boomer)
Just checking… Who has a: Google Reader account and/or uses RSS feeds? account? Twitter account? blog?
2.0 Tools for your PLN
Disclaimer I have a vested interest in all this waaay beyond my role as a DP in the ISER...
2009 - 2022 My daughter Lucy will commence Kindergarten in 2009 at her local state school and graduate in 2022; if all goes well.
2009 - 2022 What will her personal experience of school be like?
The future? Will she always feel like this about school?
Sarah will graduate in 2025
By the end of the session... We will have considered: 1. the concept of a 'Personal Learning Network' (PLN) 2. the web 2.0 tools that enable ISER staff to create, collaborate and connect 3. the way forward…
ISER Plan Just a reminder, this connects to our plan:
The way forward… If every staff member in the ISER was able to use Google Reader, Delicious & Twitter with many leaders blogging, ongoing formal and informal learning could be shared Collaboration would lead to the dispersion of new tools and ideas throughout the system The individual would be at the centre of their learning
What is Web 2.0 anyway?
What if this was started by… The RD and SEDs being connected with their principals and DPs using the tools discussed? Senior executive sharing this their schools? Region going 2.0 and supporting this in schools? Our two new SDD days late in 2009 supporting staff with ‘a package’?
What is a PLN?
What is a PLE? The concept of ‘Personal Learning Environment’ places the individual in charge of their learning Using tools of their choice Informal as well as formal learning important Is constructivist and connectivist
In conclusion Being literate, or rather multiliterate is the most important skill needed
Literacy is changing
...and in 2028 Darcy will retire; if such a concept still exists
??? what will school be like in 2022? and what kind of journey will staff take to 2022?
Collaborate with Darcy Moore Blog: Email: Twitter: Thanks for your participation!
We wont have a chance to discuss