Changes in the Curriculum of ETF Belgrade Dragan Bojić University of Belgrade
INTRODUCTION The Process of Change Reform Board Principles CS Dept. Proposed Curriculum
THE PROCESS OF CHANGE Prologue: under old law on high education, a complicated procedure (so nothing changed for years, or informally – new contents under old name) Current process: 1. Informal discussion between faculty staff 2. A discussion on Faculty Council 3. Reform Board established: Dept Chiefs+members of Education Board+Dean and Vice Deans 4. Reform Board Grounding Principles, to be verified by Faculty Council 5. Proposals of the new Curriculum (only 2 Depts.) 6. Accepting (Faculty-University Councils, and implementing (not yet )
Reform Board Conclusion on Principles (09.04.2002) To add optional shorter course of study. Longer course: 8 sem of courses + 1 for diploma thesis Shorter: 6 semester, no diploma thesis To introduce credit system (elective courses): First year and half same for all, in higher semesters progressive introduction of elective courses Changing of curriculum should be made dynamic Elective courses should be held only if there is a certain number of enrolled students To make all courses one semestral Max. 30 classes per week for each student group To reconsider classical model of ex catedra lectures and “blackboard” exercises – to merge it with lab. exercises
CS Department New Curriculum Proposal First (common) year I Semester II Semester # Course 1.1 Mathematics I 1.2 Introduction to Electrical Engineering I 1.3 Physics I 1.4 Introduction to Computer Engineering I 1.5 Introduction to Programming Languages I 1.6 English language # Course 2.1 Mathematics II 2.2 Introduction to Electrical Engineering II 2.3 Physics II 2.4 Introduction to Computer Engineering I 2.5 Introduction to Programming Languages II 2.6 English/other language
CS Department New Curriculum Proposal Second year III Semester IV Semester # Course 3.1 Numerical A.& Discrete M. 3.2 Electronics I 3.3 Circuits Theory 3.4 Computer Architecture I 3.5 Programming Languages III 3.6 Operating Systems I # Course 4.1 Probability T & Statistics 4.2 Impulse and Digital Elec. 4.3 Computer Architecture II 4.4 Programming Languages IV 4.5 Operating Systems II Elective course Elective course Prerequisite 4.6 Electr. Grids and Lines 3.3 4.7 Electromagnetics 2.2 4.8 Automatic control sys.
CS Department New Curriculum Proposal Third year V Semester VI Semester # Course 5.1 Digital Telecommunications 5.2 Computer Architecture III 5.3 Distributed Programming 5.4 Data Structures Elective # Course 6.1 Computer Networks 6.2 Microprocessor Systems 6.3 Systems Programming 6.4 Databases Elective Elective course Prereq. 5.5 Mathematics III 2.1 5.6 Analog Electronics 3.2 5.7 Electric Measurements 3.3 5.8 Physics of materials 2.3 5.9 Robotics 4.8 Elective course Prereq. 6.5 Digital Electronics II 4.2 6.6 Telecommunications 5.1 6.7 Digital Signal Processing 4.8 6.8 Biomedical Computing
CS Department New Curriculum Proposal Fourth year VII Semester # Course 7.1 VLSI Design 7.2 Compiler Construction 7.3 Internet Technologies 7.4 Performance Eval. Of Comp.S. 7.5 Object Oriented Software Design 7.6 Expert Systems
CS Department New Curriculum Proposal Fourth year - VIII Semester Profile: Computer Architecture Profile: Software Engineering # Course 8.1 Multiprocessor Systems 8.2 Parallel Computer Systems 8.3 Computer Networks II Elective # Course 8.4 Compiler Construction II 8.5 Software Engineering 8.6 Computer Graphics Elective Profile: Information Technology Profile: Internet technologies # Course 8.7 Information Systems 8.8 Databases II 8.9 Data modeling tools Elective # Course 8.10 Internet Programming 8.11 Infrastructure for e-commerce 8.12 Multimedia Systems Elective
CS Department New Curriculum Proposal Fourth year - VIII Semester Elective subjects are chosen among CS and other Departments 4th year courses 8.14 User Interface Design 8.15 Real-time Programming 8.16 Logic Circuit Design 8.17 Data Security 8.18 Fault-tolerant Systems 8.19 Reconfigurable Architectures 8.20 Peripheral Devices 8.21 Electronic Document Management 8.22 Software Testing 8.23 Data Mining 8.24 Intelligent Systems 8.25 Project Management 8.26 Workflow Management 8.27 Social And Prof. Aspects of Comp. 8.28 History of Computing 8.29 Digital Image Processing 8.30 Telecommunication Networks 8.31 Computer Communications 8.32 Digital Codes in Communications 8.33 Commuting Systems 8.34 Computer Control Systems 8.35 Digital System Design 8.36 Design of Low Power Devices 8.37 Principles of Business Planning