Dr. Manuel Vallée University of Auckland Semester 2 - 2015 SOC 102 BECOMING MODERN: The Social Origins & Consequences of Modernity Dr. Manuel Vallée University of Auckland Semester 2 - 2015
OUTLINE FOR LECTURE 7B Music by: Thievery Corporation Thought of the day… Announcements Recap: The Effects of City Living on Psychological Dispositions The Corporation The Creation of Consumer Needs
Thought of the Day… “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations; your consciousness expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” - Patanjali (2nd century AD)
The Corporation What are the personality traits people associate with corporations? Why? What characteristics are corporations associated with? What are the policy implications? Who runs corporations? Why does this matter? What is the way of the plunderer? In what way are CEOs encouraging plundering behavior? What implications does this have for future generations?
The Creation of Consumer Needs
What is Consumerism? "the cultural norm whereby people seek to meet their needs (including physical, emotional, spiritual, social) through the market, either by acquiring consumer goods, or using consumer services".
Forming Affiliations Through Commodities
Link to Michael Jordan Commercial http://www. youtube. com/watch
Communicating About Yourself
Communicating About Yourself
Who Benefits from Consumerism?
Who does not?
Where did consumerism come from?
Quick Summary of Consumerism Origins 1) The underlying logic of capitalism (Fulcher article)… The drive for profit maximization led capitalists to seek new ways of producing consumer demand 2) Oversaturated markets… The increased productive forces of capitalism led to oversaturated markets, which prompt capitalists to seek new ways of driving demand 3) Cheaper products… The increased productive forces of industrialisation led to cheaper and more affordable products, making it more attractive to consumers 4) A way to communicate status… In an urbanized world where people didn’t know others well, consumer goods became a way to broadcast one’s economic status 5) Advertisers preyed upon… the psychological vulnerabilities of newly urbanized 6) The concept of the “empty self” (Philip Cushman article): Advertisers fooled people into thinking of themselves as empty receptacles, and that happiness lay in filling the receptacles with consumer products & experiences… 7) The externalization of production costs (i.e. environmental pollution, workers health, etc.) (Story of Stuff video)… reduced the actual costs that people were paying for the products
George Carlin 5-minute stand-up comedy routine on consumerism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvgN5gCuLac