Enterprise Content Management (ImageNow) Vicky Mikula 11/01/2016
Agenda Introductions Service Description Value Proposition Metrics Cost Security More Information Q&A
Introductions Service owner: Vicky Mikula Service manager: Donivan Patwell Other service delivery team members : Xiaoshan (Susan) Li Chris Brown John Romag
Service Description Service name: Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Product(s): Lexmark’s Perceptive Content (ImageNow) Brief text description: ECM (ImageNow) provides a central service for document storage, workflow automation, processing, archiving and retention. Availability: Solutions are built and deployed by professional services and/or CIT. Solutions are can cover colleges, departments, units or business processes at Cornell, Weill or Qatar. Development and deployment of solutions is performed by professional services and/or CIT. Solutions are utilized mainly by administrative offices (Staff & Faculty). Fees: Project and setup fees – yes Local scanners - yes Production operational fees – no Service tier: One
Value Proposition Improved business processes Automated data entry Electronically scan, capture and store digital images of documents Improved business processes Automated data entry Multiple options for loading images (scan, email, import, drag and drop) Convert documents (e.g. tif, jpeg, pdf) Annotation and redaction tools Record Lifecycle Management Integrations with systems such as PeopleSoft, SAP Use of optical character recognition (OCR) – recognition of characters through scanned images – document data can be lifted from scanned image, validated and stored.
Value Proposition Customer Impact and Key Benefits Reduces costs associated with paper, printing, copying, distribution Reduces or eliminates paper Frees up valuable physical office space and allows remote access to documents Prevents loss of physical documents and digitized documents are preserved during catastrophes such as fire, flood. Improved workflow - automatically route documents to individuals or groups based on defined actions. Improved processing due to ability to share, collaborate on and exchange documents electronically and using automation. Automated notifications and reminders Off-site storage backup Automated retention policies Eliminates duplicate copies of documents across departments Improves security and protection of documents
Metrics - Production Solutions End of FY16 Q4: Undergraduate Admissions – Application Processing Financial Aid and Student Employment – Financial Aid Processing College of Veterinary Medicine - Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) Medical Records (small and large animal) Procurement Card (PCard) Receipt Processing Academic Diversity Initiatives Weill Cornell Medical College - Travel & Expense Repository Weill Cornell Medical College - Payment Request Repository As of FY17 Q1: Weill Cornell Medical College - Accounts Payable (AP) Invoice Automation CU Electronic Student Records Cornell Commitment Office
Metrics FY16 Q4 FY 16 Q2 Metrics Number of solutions 7 Total Number of documents 9,462,748 Quarterly number of document 340,039 Availability 99.9% Changes (upgrades, patches, etc.)
Metrics FY16 Q4
Metrics FY17 Q1 (as of 9/30/2016) FY 16 Q3 Metrics (as of 9/30/2016) Number of solutions 10 Total number of documents stored (Admissions annual purge process – reduced number of total documents stored from Q3) 7,959,143 Quarterly number of new documents (Onboarded CUESR – converted ~700,000 documents from Fedora into ImageNow) 1,064,391 Availability 99.9% Changes (upgrades, patches, etc.)
Metrics FY17 Q1 (as of 9/30/2016) * *Fedora conversion into ImageNow
Costs Cost to deliver the service: FY 16 Total Cost $820,000 (order of magnitude – rounded to nearest thousand) $820,000 Hardware & Software $365,000 Labor $395,000 Staff Support* $40,000 Administrative Overhead* * Calculated as 5% of hardware/software and labor
Costs Unit Cost of O&M: $0.08/document (~10M documents) Fee for Service: No Cost for Solution Design, Development and Deployment: Department/Unit Fees for scanners: Cost of scanner: $500-$1500 Cost of ImageNow scanner license: $1500 license cost and $300/annual maintenance fee Fees for Professional Services/Deployment: Yes Lexmark @$190/hour Shamrock Consulting starts at $175/hour (unit cost of O&M = total cost/total documents)
Security What risks does use of the service mitigate? Financial loss Reputational harm Information security How does the service mitigate risks? Images are stored in a secure environment rather than paper copies in file cabinets, desks, drawers etc. Less chance of documents being lost or misplaced. Audit capabilities – who viewed, when and how often. Approved storage of documents containing confidential data Automated retention policies Access controls and document tracking
More Information Service web page: Service catalog entry: http://www.it.cornell.edu/services/ecm/about.cfm http://www.it.cornell.edu/services/ecmplatform/index.cfm Service catalog entry: https://catalog.it.cornell.edu/admin/26 Service quarterly report: https://cio.cornell.edu/resources/it-reports-documents-and-presentations/itcornell-quarterly-metrics/enterprise-content Service level expectations: Coming soon….