Title of the Poster (Font: Arial 72) First Author, Second Author, Third Author (Font: Arial 54) Supervisor: Name of Supervisor Department Name College Name Palestine Polytechnic University Introduction (Font: Arial 42) Please prepare your poster according to the following specifications: (Font: Arial 32) Poster size 100 cm X 70 cm. All margins 2 cm. Title box size 8 cm X 66 cm. Author box size 16 cm X 66 cm. Title font Arial 72 pt. Blue. Author font Arial 54 pt. Black. Text box size 72cm X 66 cm. Text box titles font Arial 42 pt. Red. Text box text font Arial 32pt. Black. It is recommended to organize the text box into 3 columns. It is recommended also to include numerous colored figures and tables Proposed project An interactive system that aims at building an electronic calendar entries in a mobile phone that is received from a TV/DBS using Bluetooth technology. Each calendar entry represents a reminder of an event that is usually a TV program to be broadcasted at the calendar time. This program information has previously been extracted from EPG signal using a special image processing module in the TV receiver. Figure 1: MEPGC Idea System Design and Implementation: A satellite TV receiver card will be used and connected to PC. This configuration can be assumed as a receiver which has the entire component including image processing and Bluetooth technology modules that have the ability to communicate with mobile phone. Figures 3 show the block diagrams for this design options: Figure 3: System Design Option The general flowchart diagram that controls the flow of information between system components is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: System Design Options Project Objectives: Extract and manipulate the EPG information in a TV receiver through adding a new image processing module to existing systems. Enable communication between TV receivers and mobile phones by incorporating Bluetooth technology module in TV receivers. Interactively submit the EPG information to Mobile phones using Bluetooth technology. Results: Extract a text file for desired TV program from EPG information using image processing module. Establish connection between mobile and receiver “PC & receiver card” via Bluetooth. Exchange text between receiver and mobile via Bluetooth. Project Block Diagram: Figure 2 is the general block diagram for a project, as illustrated below, the LNB connects the dish to the receiver satellite which takes the signal with a very high frequency from the dish then converts it to a lower frequency, then the signal will be separated to video signal, audio signal and EPG signal, then these signals are send to the TV. Figure 2 : System General Block Diagram. The extended block is responsible to extract and manipulate the EPG information and convert it to text information using pattern recognition and image processing techniques. h