St. Peter’s Infant School


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Presentation transcript:

St. Peter’s Infant School Welcome to Year 2

St. Peter’s Infant School Our learning this year will be based around the themes below. You will receive a letter at the start of each term informing you about what the children will be learning. Term 1: Superheroes Term 2: Splendid Skies Term 3: Dinosaur Planet Term 6: Beat, Band, Boogie Term 4: Street Detectives Term 5: Beachcombers

A typical day in Year 2 Morning: 8:45-9:00 early morning work St. Peter’s Infant School A typical day in Year 2 Morning: 8:45-9:00 early morning work Registration followed by GPaS, Brain Gym, Maths and English sessions. Assembly and playtime split up the above sessions. Fruit will continue to be provided daily. Afternoon: Reading – guided, individual and independent. Handwriting PE and / or Topic: Science, History, Geography, Computing, RE, Music, Art & PSHE.

English This will cover….. St. Peter’s Infant School English This will cover….. Speaking and Listening including drama, talking in 3s Reading - Individual and groups Writing Daily phonics / grammar teaching Adults can help by… Hearing children read at home Helping to practice phonics for reading and writing Supporting writing through the termly topic letters Playing games, including Lexia

St. Peter’s Infant School Reading Your child’s reading book will be changed twice a week when bought to school. Please indicate in the Contact Book that you have read with your child. Children with be heard to read twice a week plus work on comprehension skills one a week with adults in class. Please encourage and remind your children to put their reading book and contact book into the designated place in their class.

Writing St. Peter’s Infant School This includes: Writing at length – developing stamina using the correct punctuation Grammar – punctuation ((full stops, capital letters, ‘!’, ‘?’’,’), past and present tense, 4 different types of sentences, subordinate and co-ordinate clauses Spellings – incorporated into dictated sentences Apostrophes & contractions e.g. ‘we’ll’ short for ‘we will’ Application of phonics Read, check and improve Handwriting: joined writing Capital letters for names, places, days and months

St. Peter’s Infant School Writing Letters to be joined:

Maths St. Peter’s Infant School This will cover….. Counting forwards & backwards from any number up in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s Write digits and words for numeral 0-100 Find number bonds to 100 Know subtraction is the inverse of addition e.g. 3+5=8, 8-5=3 Understand value of each digit in a 3-digit number Understand ‘<‘ and ‘>’ and solve multiplication & division Time, fractions, measurement, geometry (2D & 3D shape), position

Maths at home Adults can help by… St. Peter’s Infant School Maths at home Adults can help by… Finding maths in everyday activities with their child Playing games, using Mathletics Practice number bonds Practice value of digits within numbers e.g. house numbers Using the suggestions we will send home on the termly letter

St. Peter’s Infant School Topic Work This incorporates: Science, History, Geography, Computing, Music, R.E., Art and D.T. These subjects are taught through a topic so as to link ideas together in a practical, exploratory way.

Homework Daily home reading St. Peter’s Infant School Homework Daily home reading Weekly Maths and English (including grammar) based on week’s learning Phonics – information re week’s learning Mathletics, Lexia and Purple Mash HOMEWORK CLUB every Monday with free crèche for younger siblings 3-4pm.

Other ways to support your child’s learning St. Peter’s Infant School Other ways to support your child’s learning Websites:

Recording Use books to record work: English / Topic book St. Peter’s Infant School Recording Use books to record work: English / Topic book Handwriting book Maths book - expected to be presented neatly

P.E. Weekly Correct P.E. kit required in school St. Peter’s Infant School P.E. Weekly Correct P.E. kit required in school Footwear required in school for outdoor PE

Independence Take responsibility for : St. Peter’s Infant School Independence Take responsibility for : Coats and jumpers – place in class trugs at playtime and lunchtime if removed Named Taking books, homework, letters, etc. out of their book bags

Y2 SATs and Phonic Screening St. Peter’s Infant School Y2 SATs and Phonic Screening S.A.Ts building a picture of your child’s attainment through tests and teacher assessment during May 2018 Term 5 attendance throughout the year is vital but especially during Term 5. Phonics During June 2018, those children who did not achieve the phonic threshold in Year 1 will be re-assessed via the National Phonics Screening Check.

St. Peter’s Infant School Y2 Blog Follow our learning via our class blog which will be updated weekly. The blog addresses are:

St. Peter’s Infant School Caring Crew All Y2 children are selected to be part of the Caring Crew for one term. They sign a contract, wear a badge and have special responsibilities and daily jobs.

Admission to Junior School St. Peter’s Infant School Admission to Junior School Online Applications open mid September 2017 Closing date for applications January 2018 Offer of a school place April 2018

Transition to Delce Academy St. Peter’s Infant School Transition to Delce Academy Visits from Y3 / Y4 to St. Peter’s throughout the year Y2 make afternoon visits in T6 Joint afternoon event with Y2 Delce Infants at Delce Academy Y3 teachers spend time with Y2 at St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s Infant School During the year: Partnership - here to help – we will let you know if your child is finding something tricky and ways in which you can help them Parent consultations – 3 x / year Visits and Trips Music Festival Parent/pupil reading sessions Homework Club Class Blogs:

St. Peter’s Infant School Any questions?