Fabulous Fourth Grade Deer Creek Elementary PROCEDURE MANUAL 2014-2015 Hello. My name is Fabulous Fourth Grade Deer Creek Elementary PROCEDURE MANUAL 2014-2015
Mrs. Brown Mrs. Johnson Miss McMullin Mrs. Tate
Deer Creek Elementary School Creed I am a Deer Creek Elementary School Student. I have great expectations for myself. I accept the challenge to become the best that I can be. Yesterday’s failures are behind me. Today’s successes are now before me. I will make today the very best day of all, for this day begins the rest of my life. I accept the responsibility for my behavior and its results. I do not have the right to interfere with the learning and well-being of others. With my family and teachers, I will determine what I will become, For the education I receive today will make me a leader of tomorrow.
SUPER HERO OF THE WEEK! The Terrific Kid, (aka: SUPER HERO OF THE WEEK), will be announced at Antler Alert. He or she will be selected based on one or more of the Great Expectations Life Principles. This is an outstanding honor for your child. As a Terrific Kid, you may wish to share a talent or collection with your classmates. You may share on Friday of the same week at the end of the day. During this time, you may also bring a favorite treat to share with your classmates. Each Terrific Kid will have a special place on the bulletin board outside our classroom. This is where the Terrific Kid will share with the class things about them and their family. I can’t wait to hear about all the Terrific Kids!
Below are policies regarding homework: Homework is an important part of the learning experience. It is assigned to provide needed additional skill practice. It may also be assigned to help connect school with real world experiences. Below are policies regarding homework: 1.Homework is done outside of class. 2.Homework is to be brought to school completed the day it is due. 3.Homework that is not turned in on time will need to be completed during recess. All work must be completed either outside of school or at a time to be arranged with the teacher before the assignment is due. 4.Projects are due on the announced date. Late projects will be penalized according to the homework policy. 5.Parents are requested to send a note to inform the teacher of any extenuating circumstances that result in incomplete work. The teacher will then determine whether the late work penalty will be adjusted.
ASSIGNMENTS Late work will be penalized 10 points the first two days. Daily work may be taken home if it isn’t completed during the day, and it needs to be brought back to school the next day. In the case of an absence, the student will have 2 days to make up assignments. If more than 1 day is missed, more time will be given.
Agendas Agendas will be filled out everyday. Unfinished work will be circled. This is to be used as a tool for communication between parents and child about school, as well as keeping us with assignments. Agendas need to be signed daily by parent or guardian.
FOLDERS All work will be kept in a folder that comes back and forth to and from school daily. We will also have Tuesday folders for school-wide notes to go home in each week. Our class newsletter as well as graded papers will be in the Tuesday Folder.
REDO PROCEDURE Any homework or class assignment can be redone . The new grade will be figured by averaging the original grade with the new grade. When receiving a paper in the Tuesday Folder that you would like to redo, you must turn the REDO in by the following Monday. Only redo the problems that you miss. You do not have to redo the entire assignment. To turn in a redo: First, make sure you have a complete heading on both the original paper and the Redo. Complete heading includes name, student number and date in top right corner. Please write “Redo” at the top of your new paper. Staple the redo problems to the top of the original assignment. Your redo should be on top. Turn the papers into the Redo Basket. Papers that do not follow this procedure will not be re-graded. Please follow instructions! Example: George Washington T-24 July 4, 1776
I will choose to follow school and class expectations. I will be courteous and respectful to others at school. I will accept corrections appropriately. I will be responsible for home/school communication. I will control my talking to allow everyone to listen and learn. We will encourage each other to do our best. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.
HALLWAY EXPECTATIONS Face your head and body forward at all times! (Exception: the line leader looks at me for instructions when the line is stopped.) 2.Keep your hands straight down at your sides, touching either your sides or NOTHING! 3.Keep the line straight by standing directly behind the person in front of you. 4.Walk on the right side of the hall, allowing others to go first when possible. 5.Keep voices turned off unless you are given permission to speak. If given permission, speak only in a WHISPER! 6.Walk in a calm, moderate pace. (At about the pace of the Star Spangled Banner)
BIRTHDAYS If your child has a birthday he/she would like to celebrate, you may send a snack for the class to eat. Please bring snacks that are ready to serve….. no cutting, etc. If your child has a summer birthday, we will arrange a time for them if you’d like.
SNACKS Each day students may bring healthy snacks to eat during snack time in the morning. We prefer children not bring chips, cookies, or candy.
THANK you for taking the time to read through our procedure manual. PLEASE SEND A QUICK E-MAIL TO CONFIRM THAT YOU HAVE READ OUR MANUAL. THIS WILL STAY ON OUR WEBSITE FOR YOU TO REFER TO DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. Mrs. Brown lisabrown@dcsok.org Mrs. Johnson amyjohnson@dcsok.org Miss McMullin kyleemcmullin@dcsok.org Mrs. Tate deannitate@dcsok.org