Crossley hall primary school Junior leadership survey
What have we been up to ? We would like to explain to you what we have been up to in the Junior Leadership Team. We had a request from pupils that they would love to bring bikes to school. So what did we do ? We carried out a survey in the whole school. Every class filled out a questionnaire on who had bikes and where they lived (except ks1) ?
What we did next ? We also looked at our play ground facilities to see if there was any where for the bikes to go. We found some good locations for bike racks. Such as………. We invited the manager of Bike ability along to one of our meetings . He gave us some fantastic information like: the routes to school, health and safety , the equipment we need to wear whilst cycling to school to keep us safe.
What did we find out ? We found out that 108 children have bikes. We thought that children need to complete bike ability to ensure they are safe whilst riding their bikes. We found out that we had space to keep the bikes and bike racks. We went around the School and found a perfect place for bike racks. The price of the bike racks were £100 each.
JLT have been discussing that children in year 5 and 6 should be able to bring their bikes to school .We have got quite a lot of reasons why .One of the reasons is…
WHY SHOULD THE CHILDREN BRING THEIR BIKES TO SCHOOL? Saves the environment It is healthier Fun way to come to school Builds up confidence More experience More aware of the road Less car crashes Saves money Stops congestion around school
We need your help To build bike racks you must have money. This is why we need your help. We have some ideas of things we can do to raise money. We also need high vis jackets that have Crossley hall logos on the back and front , this would promote the school! We also have a letter
Letter 1
Letter 2
Fun raising activities Decorate the egg competition Games Bake sales Red nose day Non-uniform day
Videos on why kids should bring their bikes to school.
Have you got any questions? Thank you for watching Remember Don’t be a crazy frog! Have you got any questions?