Welcome to this presentation which will help to explain a possible screening process for all Year 7 pupils in September and give you ideas and prompts for what the “letter to my school” might include.
Welcome to this presentation which will help to explain a possible screening process for all Year 7 pupils in September and give you ideas and prompts for what the “letter to my school” might include.
Snapshot of the whole child Primary school intelligence Induction days summer school Designated person for support and advice SENCO HoY etc Raising staff awareness Assemblies PSHE Y7 Head Teacher whole school priority SDP Welcome buddies creating the climate building the picture Letter to my school All wellbeing/resilience indicators: Att. punct. behaviour All teachers round robin Social times Engagement Family situation Other via Form tutor? Snapshot of the whole child DSL/HoY/SENCO etc complex need early interventions engagement in universal offer Year 7 example screening process
LETTER TO MY SCHOOL TO CONSIDER TO BE OF VALUE, THIS EXERCISE: must be accessible to all pupils must be framed for pupils so they understand what the letter is for: Have you spoken to whole year group about this via an assembly for example? must be completed by all pupils on entry into Y7, whenever that happens during the year. must be read/assessed and acted upon by responsible adult(s): form tutor/Head of Year must be stored and reviewed by pupils at the end of Y7
POSSIBLE PROMPTS FOR INFORMATION TO BE SHARED I like: I am: I wish I wish my form tutor knew….. Name 1 thing that makes you: Happy Sad Mad Scared I sometimes need help with: The best thing in life is: When I grow up: If I had one wish I would wish for: I am really good at: I know it sounds strange but sometimes I: I feel safe when: The best thing that ever happened to me: The most challenging thing that ever happened to me: One thing I like about me: One thing I want to get better at:
Fear Disgust Anger Joy Sadness SUGGESTION: Use the characters or clips from this ingenious film to help pupils frame their answers Fear Disgust Anger Joy Sadness
my favourite… MY place in school place out of school moment in school moment out of school possession way of communicating with friends item of clothing food way of spending a weekend person This simple list will be fun to look back on at the end of the year!
SUGGESTION: Use the prompts as exercise for group discussion to highlight how we may all be very different in relation to these emotions
If you were Head Teacher of your school for a day, what would you do If you were Head Teacher of your school for a day, what would you do? Explain why. An exercise which could lay the foundations for pupil voice in the year group
How do you feel about these things right now?
What about lessons and the school day? MY TIMETABLE
What do you enjoy or not enjoy at school? PE dance maths cooking the playground What do you enjoy or not enjoy at school? French music lunchtime assembly the field writing design and technology computer lessons 4 reading art the library
A simple format to generate information about feelings