Welcome to Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) update meeting Friday 10th July 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) update meeting Friday 10th July 2015

Inclusion team · SEND and inclusion is managed by a well-trained team of specialists within school. · This team meets weekly for regular updates and discussions about pupils who have barriers to learning and to plan the strategies to move their education forward. · Jan Cousins Head teacher · Lynette Burridge Special educational needs coordinator SENCo · Chris Williams Learning mentor( sadly leaving the team July 2015) · Fiona Hensley Early years and lower school inclusion mentor Jane Hullin Upper school key stage 2 school inclusion mentor( new to the term for 2015 to 2016) · Gayle Hellowell Nurture leader · Sue Briscoe nurture group. · Clarie O’Donnell Educational Welfare Officer

Also as part of the in house team:- E. Greenaway behaviour support specialist J.Hutching bespoke learning support advisory. W. Gregory learning support advisory teacher. D. Medine specialist support Number of reading support staff from Bean Stalk. Specialist language support for pupils with English as a foreign language. Educational psychologist support.( as needed)

Added to this there are a great many external specialists we can call upon:- Speech and language Occupational therapy CAMHs Child and young people’s mental health service. School nurse Police liaison Educational behaviour and assessment centre ( Linden centre) Inclusion support mentors. Relateen emotional counselling.

The CAF and TAC process can support this process.

From September 2014 The New Special Educational needs and Disability Code of Practice was put in place. SEND

From 1st July 2015 K will replace all SA and SA+ All Statements of Special Educational Need,(S) will remain as statements until a transition review has taken place to review if an Education, Health and Care Plan is necessary. Theses reviews take place over a period of time and are undertaken and managed by Telford and Wrekin with all those involved with the pupil.

All pupils in school:- receive quality first teaching in a supportive and welcoming school environment which takes account of all their spiritual, social, cultural and emotional needs as well as motivating, facilitating their education to progress achieving the best possible outcomes for each individual.

Pupils with SEND:- have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provisions to be made for him or her, they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age,

A disability is:- which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools, with reasonable adjustments made,

There is a clear focus on:- children, young people parents being involved from the very start.

Communication Parents · Each term an opportunity is given for parents of pupils with a provision map to discuss this and any other issues with class teacher as well as the SENCo · Support for parents is readily available with various team meetings around the child held (TAC) · A wide variety of sign posting available to parents who need specialist advice through Family Connect. · Regular open mornings or afternoons where parents are invited to join in with their children’s learning. · Included in all discussions with specialist staff. · Any referral paper work completed together. · All reports shared with parents. · Friends of the school. · Website · Family learning · The school’s nurture staff meet and greet all children and parents every morning. · Open door policy with senior staff always on hand.

Pupils · Included in meetings where appropriate. · All decisions discussed with pupil. · Provision maps, support and targets discussed and completed with pupils with comments recorded. · Any referrals discussed with pupils and their views recorded. · School council meets regularly with representatives in each class as pupil’s views are highly valued. · The school council are involved with PACT. · They are linked to many Sutton Hill Community Groups and help to support community work.

Early intervention is essential with a clear focus on inclusive practice, removing barriers to learning with high aspirations and improving outcomes discussion with family

Under the new code there are 4 broad areas of need, pupils often fit into several of these areas;-

Communication and interaction includes Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) Autistic spectrum disorder(ASD)including Asperger’s syndrome and Autism all have difficulties with social interaction.

Cognition and learning children who have difficulty with learning, thinking and understanding or who have developmental delay. This may be moderate learning difficulty (MLD), severe or profound learning difficulty (SLD) through to profound and multiple learnu=ing difficulties (PMLD) or specific learning difficulty (SpLD)affect one or more specific aspect of learning e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia.

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties A wide range may be withdraw, isolated or disruptive showing disturbing behaviours. These behaviours may have an underlying mental health issue. Attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or attachment disorder.

Sensory and or physical challenges. Children have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities. It may be age related and may fluctuate. Vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI), multi- sensory impairment (MSI), Physical disability (PD).

SEND pathway. Pupils who we feel have SEN, after discussion with parent and child, will be placed on the special educational needs register and recognised as needing special educational needs support.

They will be in need of Special educational need support which will be shown by the code K, this replaces School Action, (SA) and School action + (SA+) They will first receive extra in class support , They may be involved in an intervention

A provision map will be written which explains how, when and who will provide additional support. This will be closely monitored and reviewed each term for progress. Again this will always be shared with parent and child.

Individual Provision Map for Autumn/ Spring/ Summer 2014-2015 Name School Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School SENCO Lynette Burridge D.O.B ---------------------Year Group--------- Staff involved -----------Date------------- Position on SEN register SEN support K / EHCP Education, Health and Care Plan, statement Area of Need 1.Communication and interaction, 2.Cognition and learning , 3.Social, emotional and mental health difficulties, 4.Sensory and or physical challenges. Date consulted with parents/carers date letter sent Additional information. Interventions Staff : pupil ratio Who will deliver? Time   Pupil view.  

Class teachers name Date Parent/carer,   Parent/carer, Your child is identified by their class teacher as needing extra support in certain areas of their learning. In discussion with the Special Education Needs co-ordinator this is the agreed programme of activities to support your child’s learning needs. Programme of support for pupil’s name Copy and paste the programme of support from PM here. These activities will run for one term when they will be reviewed. We would like the opportunity to discuss this with you and will be available on Date and time you are available to meet them. Please see me to arrange a time. Thank you for your support. Class teachers name

All records past to new class teacher. Cycle of review , discuss and write provision maps for SEN pupils for academic year. Month/term   Autumn term October Review SEND Class register, discuss with SENCO, Write provision maps discuss with parent and pupil, letter to parent of actions. Autumn term January Review SEND Class register, discuss with SENCO, Review Autumn term provision maps. Write Spring term provision maps discuss with parent and pupil, letter to parent of actions. Spring term April Review SEND Class register, discuss with SENCO, Review Spring term provision maps. Write Summer term provision maps discuss with parent and pupil, letter to parent of actions. Summer Term July Review SEND Class register, discuss with SENCO, Review Summer term provision maps. Discuss pupils with new class teacher. All records past to new class teacher.

Parents are also offered termly general meetings to discuss any concerns they may have. This is with the class teacher. If more information is needed it will be with SENCo

If progress has been made the child will be moved to a pupil with additional educational needs, no special educational needs NS they will be monitored. If progress is maintained this is then followed by removal from the register again in discussion with parent and child.

If progress over several terms has not been made then other specialists may be invited into school to carry out assessments and give advice. Again parents will be involved with this, signing to give consent and meeting where possible with specialists. Any report issued will be copied for the parent and discussed with them.

If serious issues still remain and no progress is being made an Educational, Health and Care Plan,(EHCP) may be applied for. There are a great many interventions the school will put into place before we reach this stage. This replaces the statement.

Transition. A great deal of information sharing takes please between all staff from class to class and school to school to ensure the best possible progression and out comes for your child.

the Local Offer website – www.telford.gov.uk 0 to 16 education Useful websites:- School https://alexanderflemingprimary.taw.org.uk/SEN/SitePages/Communication%20Pupils.aspx the Local Offer website – www.telford.gov.uk 0 to 16 education http://www.telford.gov.uk/info/20027/special_educational_needs_sen/258/6-10_years_education Speech and language http://www.telford.gov.uk/site/scripts/google_results.aspx?q=speech+and+language Occupational therapy http://www.telford.gov.uk/site/scripts/google_results.aspx?q=occupational+therapy CAMHs http://www.telford.gov.uk/site/scripts/google_results.aspx?q=CAMHs Family connect http://www.telford.gov.uk/site/scripts/google_results.aspx?q=family+connect

All of this information can be found on the school website as:- School offer School SEND annual information report In the school prospectus as electronic and hard copy. This power point will also be available on the school website.

We welcome you into school to discuss your child and how best we can support them.

Thank you very much for attending. Are there any questions? Please could you fill in the evaluation on your table