Welcome Mr McKelvie – Principal
You have made a good choice Ofsted 2016: Leadership and management – good Pupil development, behaviour and welfare – good Quality of the Sixth Form - good
Staff are enthusiastic, motivated and share the Principal’s vision to drive forward improvements in the school Behaviour has improved rapidly since the last inspection – described as ‘phenomenal’ A calm and purposeful environment. Pupils say that there is a strong feeling of community within the school Good teaching and positive attitudes to learning ensure Sixth form students make good progress
Our values Respect Resilience Integrity Compassion Ambition
Director of Studies - Mr Matthews
What have we done already? Starting secondary school can be a daunting time for both student and parent/carer. We are here to support your child from this moment on. We have already visited your child's primary school to gather information: KS2 assessment information Hobbies and interests Talents
You should have received: A ‘Welcome to Pudsey Grangefield’ booklet A ‘Looking Ahead’ student letter Information regarding uniform and standards. Y7 English and Maths Books *If you require any of this information we have additional copies or you can find it on the school website. *Please place any reply slips in the boxes.
*Don’t forget your ‘Consent form’ and PGS Books. What next? June: Year 7 English and Maths books - Students will complete one task in each book at their Primary School. - They will bring their books up to school on Year 6 Visit Day. - We will look after them for when they start in September. Thursday 6th July: Year 6 Visit Day Arrive at 9:10am – Finish 2:35pm Students will experience their first day at Pudsey Grangefield School. *Don’t forget your ‘Consent form’ and PGS Books. ‘Getting to know us booklet ‘ You will be given a booklet on the Visit Day. This is to complete over the summer. The best projects will receive a prize in September! September: Your first day Make sure you have all your uniform and equipment ready for your first day!
Support: Monitoring the progress of your child is integral to the role of the Director of Studies. We will have an overview of the progress being made in each subject as well as in any other additional provision. We will contact you regarding any progress concerns and work with parents/carers to help students make good or outstanding progress.
What is form time?
Form time Monday: Admin Checks Tuesday: Literacy Focus Wednesday: PSHE Focus Thursday: PSHE Focus Friday: Assembly Form time will run from 8:40 – 9:00am every morning Students should be on school site no later than 8:30am
Literacy Tracking progress Being Creative Numeracy
But what can you do? To assist you further... Attendance and punctuality is key to success. Missing only 10% of your curriculum can be detrimental to the progress you make within school. To assist you further...
SIMs Learning Gateway 100% 9 Attendance Lates Achievement Behaviour There will be 3 progress reports throughout the year. 9
Routines Please encourage your child to pack their bags according to their timetable. Attendance – Please contact Miss Dacre (Attendance Officer) – Before 8:30am PGS Website - An excellent source of information. http://www.pudseygrangefield.co.uk/ Parent Pay Please check show my homework regularly and support your child in ensuring they are completing the work set. ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit.’ (Aristotle).
Rounders Football Netball Rugby Cricket Leadership Athletics Tennis Climbing Badminton Basketball
Science Club Strategy Club Design & Art Club Performing Arts Dance Homework club
Bewerley Park Residential
Bewerley Park Residential 3 day residential 13th – 15th December 2017
Competitions & Prizes - Merits in class - Certificates - Breakfast with the principal - Rewarded in assembly - Form Breakfast - Easter Egg Challenge - Post cards home Letters of commendation End of year awards evenings
Achievement & Recognition Success Achievement & Recognition
Uniform and Personal presentation Mr Eaton & Mrs Gregory – Associate Assistant Principals
Mrs Adamson - Deputy Principal Curriculum Mrs Adamson - Deputy Principal
Year 7 Timetable Two week timetable 50 periods per fortnight 25 periods per week
Parent Partnership Meet your child’s Form Tutor - September Parent’s evening later in autumn term 3 assessment points – short reports SIMS Learning Gateway 1 Information Evening on Thursday 5th October (Literacy, numeracy, MFL, online safety)
Pathways Feb / March Year 8 – make GCSE choices for Year 9 to 11. Core subjects continue, but you also have four choices Includes new subjects – Media, Business, Photography, Dance
It’s not just about what we do....
Expectations Mr Burkinshaw – Assistant Principal
Attitudes to learning Attitude to learning scores Behaviour Class work Effort Homework Presentation Resilience Grading: 3 = Excellent 2 = Good 1 = Coasting 0 = Unacceptable Inconsistent behaviour and effort should result in the grade 1
Basic Expectations Have excellent attendance. Wear the correct uniform at all times. Follow teacher instructions at the first time of asking and co-operate with members of staff. Be consistently polite and exhibit supportive behaviour: hold doors, use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and do not run. Keep the working environment in pristine condition.
Always carry the planner and present it in lessons. Basic Expectations Complete all homework. Both students and parents should check SMHW on a regular basis. Always carry the planner and present it in lessons. Always carry the responsibility card and present it when asked by a member of staff.
Expectations - ATL In the classroom students will demonstrate: A commitment to improve in every subject. A commitment to succeed in all aspects of school life. Enthusiastic engagement with the teacher and other students. Excellent preparation through presenting the correct equipment on desks at the start of lessons. High quality, well presented work across all subjects. Observing and thriving in ‘Silent Learning Time’. High quality literacy and oracy skills.
Rewards Merits Certificates Prizes Trips Breakfast with the principal Opportunities
Contacting School http://www.pudseygrangefield.co.uk/
Closing remarks Mr McKelvie – Principal