Welcome to Kindergarten at Guilford Lakes School Denise Gravina Cheryl Signore Kate Willet
Familiar Friends at Guilford Lakes School Principal - Jill Hale Nurse - Maggi Paulsen Office secretaries - Carol Denissoff and Karen Anderson Social Worker - Liz Mancini Literacy Coach- Jennifer Kennedy Kindergarten Paras
Typical Schedule Morning Meeting & Number Corner Writers’ Workshop Snack/Recess Readers’ Workshop Phonics Read Aloud Lunch and Recess Math Science/Social Studies/Current Events Specials- PE, Music, Library, Computer Literacy, and Art Dismissal ** Movement breaks included throughout the day as needed**
Kindergarten Curriculum Workshop Model for reading and writing: mini lessons and individualized practice Bridges Math: hands-on lessons and “work” places Hands on Science and Social Studies- Science Investigations implemented by parent volunteers Kindergarten Curriculum can be found here: http://www.guilfordschools.org/pdf/curriculum/Full%20Day%20Kindergarten.pdf
Differentiation Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Children at this age develop at different times - we provide support to meet their needs and help them reach academic success. Target student needs based on assessments Workshop model Small group interventions with teacher, para, and/or reading specialist
Homework Reading at home daily Sharing - show and tell something about a topic to encourage conversation skills
Communication Green Homework Folders-notices, dismissal changes, etc. Newsletters Email Classroom websites http://gls.guilfordps.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=250707&type=d Conferences in November and March - also, as needed Progress Reports - January and June District website http://www.guilfordschools.org/
Safety in our School Monthly fire drills Lock down drills Reverse Evacuation drills Daily visit from Guilford Police officer Dismissal
Social Skills Morning Meeting Lunch and Recess times TOOKR Time with social worker “Treating Ourselves and Others with Kindness and Respect”
School-Wide Mentoring Each class is paired up with a class in an upper grade. Reading Buddies Digital activities Work on curriculum related projects School assembly partners Improves peer relations
Helping Hands Training You must be “Helping Hands” trained to volunteer at school Schedule is posted on district website Trainings take place late August-March Can attend any training offered throughout the district
Parent Involvement Possible opportunities may include: Writing/Reading Shares-your student shares his/her work with you Science Investigations As needed, for projects in and out of class Mystery Readers PTO Classroom Liaison PTO- visit www.guilfordlakespto.com for information
Preparing for Kindergarten Read to your child each day Practice writing alphabet letters, lower and uppercase Practice counting Playtime and getting along with peers Begin to establish bedtime and morning routines Practice giving multistep directions Practice self-care routines (bathroom, hand washing, etc.) Practice full name, address, and telephone number Practice shoe tying, zipping coats, putting on boots, etc. Have conversations about your child’s daily plans
Save the Date Bus Orientation: August 23th 10:30 AM (Bus lists and classroom assignments will be sent home around the third week in August) Open House: Wednesday, August 30th - 2:00 pm First Day of School: Thursday, August 31st Back to School Night: mid September - date TBA
Thanks for coming! We look forward to meeting your children in August! Questions?? Thanks for coming! We look forward to meeting your children in August!