Science Curriculum Working Scientifically 15% any AO Two courses on offer: Trilogy - 24 units 21 required practicals Triple - 25 units 28 required practicals Biology 7 units, 10 required practicals 3 of which are biology only. Chemistry 10 units, 8 required practicals 2 of which are chemistry only. Physics 8 units (1 physics only) 10 required practicals 2 of which are physics only. Course content: Both courses have the same make up the only difference is that in triple you cover the content in more depth. Working Scientifically 15% any AO Development of Scientific thinking Experimental skills and strategies Analysis and evaluation Scientific vocabulary,quantities, units, symbols and nomenclature. Maths skills 1:2:3 20% Trilogy. 30% physics Arithmetic and numerical computation Handling data Algebra Graphs Geometry and trigonometry 6 Exams at the end of year 11 - 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry and 2 Physics Trilogy exams 1h 15m Triple exams 1h 45m Assessment objectives AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding - 40% AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding 40% AO3 Analyse information and ideas 20% How are the courses assessed?
REMEMBER TO USE YOUR REVISION GUIDE 6 important dates Where should I go for help? Revision guide Varndean website Doddle BBC bitesize AQA website When you’re revising: Make flash cards Make mind maps Make posters Try the specimen paper questions Recruit your friends and family. Biology paper 1 - Tuesday 15th May PM Biology paper 2 - Monday 11th June AM Chemistry paper 1 - Thursday 17th May AM Chemistry paper 2 - Wednesday 13th June AM Physics paper 1 - Wednesday 23rd May PM Physics paper 2 - Friday 15th June AM Triple course (3 GCSEs) - All exams 1h 45m Trilogy course (2 GCSEs) - All exams 1h 15m REMEMBER TO USE YOUR REVISION GUIDE