GCSE Information Evening Monday 11th September 2017
The Year Ahead What are we doing? Educating Organising Studying Sharing Growing
AQE Score
Student School Home
Sleeping & Gaming
AQE Score
The finishing line...
Individual Successes Tim Devlin – 9 A* and 2 A Grades Joel Kerr, Toby Hopkinson – 6 A* and 4 A Grades John Gildea, Jeremy Ho – 5 A* and 3 A Grades Harry Owens – 3 A* and 8 A Grades Jack Megarry, Izaak Johnston - 8 A*/A Grades Darius Beattie, Reuben Beers, Eoin Holywood, Robbie Millar, Alastair Speers, Daniel Sterling - 7 A*/A Grades
How can I match that success? Set your sights high
How can I match that success? Understand the importance of Controlled Assessment 60% of Art & Design, Drama, Hospitality, 50% of Technology, Engineering, PE, Motor Vehicle Studies 40% of English Language 30% of Digital Technology (Multimedia & Programming) 25% of all Sciences, Business Studies
How can I match that success? 3. Work hard... and start now!
A few details All GCSE specifications are new from Sept 2017 No coursework/CA in Geography, History, English Literature. No written CA in Modern Languages Revised grading - A*, A, B, C*, C, D … RE will be graded 9 – 1 (AQA Exam board) GCSE Modules in Year 11 (Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Engineering) Y11 School Exams - 19-23 March
Important Dates 17 November: Progress Card 1 7 December: Parents’Evening 2 February: Progress Card 2 30 April: Annual Reports (based on March exams) 14 May – 15 June: GCSE Modules
A really useful source of information and resources:
Together Head of Key Stage 4 Head of Year 11 Mrs Sheppard Mrs McInerney
Year 11 Tutor Team ALDENS – Mr Rea DOBBINS – Ms. Lamont ALLISONS – Mr. Thompson PRICES – Mrs Meldrum DAVIS – Mr Cupitt YATES – Mr Hall SCHOOL – Mr Robinson and Ms. Reid
What parents can do Provide a quiet, well-lit desk space for private study Support him with personal organisation! (New challenges such as files etc.) Monitor sleeping & gaming! Read coursework/homework (if possible) and help your son with projects. Buy additional reading materials/study guides for subjects and encourage independent learning. Discuss topics around the table that he is studying in school. Be positive with your child. Support is vital to success.