Welcome to Computers in Civil Engineering 53:081 Spring 2003
Outline General Information Goals & Objectives Syllabus Ground Rules
General Information Instructor Teaching Assistant Class Location Professor Witold F. Krajewski Office 523D HL (Hydraulics Lab) Phone 335-5231 E-mail: witold-krajewski@uiowa.edu Teaching Assistant Mr. John M. Garcia Office 4115 SC Phone 335-5647 E-mail: jgarcia@engineering.uiowa.edu Class Location 1245 SC
Class Time Lectures (1245 SC) Lab Sections (1245 SC) Tuesday 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. Thursday 9:30 - 10:20 a.m. Lab Sections (1245 SC) Thursday 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. Thursday 1:30 - 2:20 p.m.
Extra Help: Office Hours W. Krajewski (4115 SC) Tuesday 8:30-9:20 p.m. Thursday 8:30-9:20 p.m. J. Garcia (4115 SC) Tuesday 5:00-6:00 p.m Thursday 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Also … I would like to hear from anyone in this class who has a disability which may require some modification of seating, testing or other course requirement. I am reasonably sure we can work out whatever arrangements are needed. Please see me after class or during my office hours to discuss your needs with me.
Course Objectives To introduce Students to numerical methods (methods of using computers to solve mathematical problems difficult or impossible to solve using traditional analytical methods). To promote use of computers in civil engineering activities (problem solving, communication, finding information, cost analysis, report preparation, presentations). To improve CEE curriculum by providing Students with better background in computers and mathematics.
SCHEDULE (Approximate only) 1. January 21 Introduction 2. January 23 Programming Concepts 3. January 28 Introduction to Matlab 4. January 30 Introduction to Matlab 5. February 4 Approximations and Errors 6. February 6 Graphical Methods 7. February 11 Roots of Equations 8. February 13 Newton-Raphson Method 9. February 18 Review 10. February 20 Mid Term I 11. February 25 Systems of Linear Equations 12. February 27 Systems of Linear Equations 13. March 4 Gauss Elimination 14. March 6 Gauss-Jordan Method 15. March 11 Case Studies
SCHEDULE (continued) 16. March 13 Curve Fitting 17. March 25 Linear Regression 18. March 27 Nonlinear Regression 19. April 1 Interpolation 20. April 3 Case Studies 21. April 8 Review 22. April 10 Mid Term II 23. April 15 Numerical Integration 24. April 17 Trapezoidal Rule 25. April 22 Case Studies 26. April 24 Differential Equations 27. April 29 Runge-Kutta Methods 28. May 1 Simulation 29. May 6 Case Studies 30. May 8 Summary & Review May 13 Final Exam
Numerical Methods For Engineers Textbook Numerical Methods For Engineers (4th edition) by Chapra, S.C. and R.P. Canale McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2002.
Software PC Windows Matlab Unix C or Fortran 90 (optional) Other (grade, ftp, etc.)
Ground Rules Rule #1 No paperwork! Rule #2 No cheating!
Homework Policy There will be 10-12 homework assignments during the course. The due date is always one week after the date the assignment is given. The homework solutions must be submitted electronically no later than the beginning hour of the appropriate discussion session.
Grading Policy Late submittals 20%/day! One week dispute policy! For any given homework assignment: Score = 80%correctness+20%neatness Late submittals 20%/day! The homework assignments, the two mid-term exams, and the final exam will be weighted towards the final course score: Final Score = 25%MidTerms + 50%Homeworks + 25%Final To pass, you need Final Score >50% One week dispute policy!
Grading Policy Final Score Grade >95 A+ 91-95 A 86-90 A- 81-85 B+
How to succeed in this class: Organize your directories (folders and files) Develop and use a consistent naming convention Start your homework early!!! Ask questions Get help during office hours
Class Website www.engineering.uiowa.edu/~cee081
Thank You! Enjoy the course!