The First Humans Cultural Group Map Homes Lifestyles In Common 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt
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The Land Bridge Theory
According to the Landbridge Theory, where were the first humans in North America from?
The land between Asia and North America is now covered in water The land between Asia and North America is now covered in water. How were the first humans able to cross?
During the last Ice Age, the land underneath was exposed
Why did the first humans walk across the exposed land?
They were hunter-gatherers, following food
What happened over hundreds of thousands of years What happened over hundreds of thousands of years? Did these people stay in one place?
No – their descendants continued to migrate through North and South America
(Alaska to California) Pacific Northwestern (Alaska to California)
(Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado) Great Basin (Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado)
(Arizona and New Mexico) Southwestern (Arizona and New Mexico)
Plains (Canada to Texas, back and forth)
Eastern Woodlands (Mississippi River to Atlantic Ocean)
Cedar Plank Longhouses
Pacific Northwestern
Wickiups, Hogans
Great Basin
Adobe Houses (neighborhoods called pueblos) – often built on top of mesas
Teepees (also spelled tipis)
Birch Bark longhouses, Wigwams, or Tipis
Eastern Woodlands
Gathered food by hunting deer and rabbit, fishing from lakes, rivers, and streams, and farming “three sisters” gardens.
Eastern Woodlands
Gathered food through a nomadic lifestyle – moving every time the food migrated!
Gathered food by hunting for small deer, rabbits, etc Gathered food by hunting for small deer, rabbits, etc., and by farming beans, corn, and squash with canal irrigation
Gathered food through a nomadic lifestyle – surviving in extreme climates, looking for water and searching for food like pine nuts
Great Basin
Gathered food by fishing for salmon, hunting whale and seal, and gathering berries, nuts, and seeds
Pacific Northwestern
What did all Native Americans cultural groups have in common in terms of where they lived?
They all had to have a fresh water source
What did all Native Americans have in common when it comes to how they lived?
They used the natural resources of their environment
What did all Native American cultural groups have in common in terms of religion?
They worshiped nature and natural forces (earth, sun, wind, etc They worshiped nature and natural forces (earth, sun, wind, etc.) and believed in good and evil spirits
What did all Native Americans have in common in terms of government?
Decisions were made by councils, or clans – usually led by the best warriors or oldest men
How did all Native American cultural groups (especially the Plains) benefit from the arrival of horses?
It helped them hunt (the Plains people could now better hunt bison)